Media Watch Letters

ASAT Responds to’s “Israeli Institutes open first-of-its-kind autism center in Middle East”

Source   Dear Jspace Staff, We would like to thank you for your article, “Israeli Institutes open first-of-its-kind autism center in Middle East” (, August 12, 2015), and commend your coverage of a critical topic: developments in research and treatment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As you point out, ASD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder,…

ASAT Responds to’s “Autism Cost Estimated to Reach Nearly $500 Billion”

Source   Dear Autism Daily Newscast, We at the Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT) would like to applaud you for your recent article which highlighted an important study by Drs. Leigh and Du regarding the financial projections of caring for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), if effective interventions and/or preventative treatments…

ASAT Responds to’s “Classroom Cages”

Source   Dear Sunrise, We are writing in response to your news report, “Classroom Cages,” which highlighted concerns regarding the management of challenging behavior in children with autism in public schools. In this case, a young boy with autism was caged in pool fencing, and the story unfortunately follows on the heels of several similar…

ASAT Responds to’s “Andrew Wakefield, Father of the Anti-Vaccine Movement, Responds to the Current Measles Outbreak for the First Time”

Source   Dear Ms. Ziv, We are writing to express our gratitude and commend you for your informative, accurate, and evidence-based reporting on the recent measles outbreak, Andrew Wakefield’s response, and the research that has negated a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. As a journalist, you have a great impact on the public’s…

ASAT Responds to’s “NJ’s I/DD community strongly opposes the state’s transition plan: now what?”

Source   Dear Ms. Lutz: “Do no harm.” The fundamental tenet underlining ethical health care delivery bears tremendous relevance to the newly proposed rules regarding funding for residential and vocational settings for persons with developmental disabilities (DDs) in New Jersey. It is great to see that the State of New Jersey’s Department of Human Services…

ASAT Responds to’s “Psychologists say discredited autism therapies still being practiced”

Source   Dear Mr. Huffman: Bravo! We would like to commend you for your thoughtful and insightful article calling attention to the fact that discredited therapies continue to be used with individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). With over 400 treatment options available, parents may struggle with identifying the most effective research-supported treatment that leads…