Media Watch Letters

ASAT Responds to’s “Facing down autism: The unconventional (and somewhat controversial) therapy that’s led to recovery”

Source   Dear Ms. Marshall, Thank you for your article entitled “Facing down autism: The unconventional (and somewhat controversial) therapy that’s led to recovery” (, August 3, 2014). We applaud you for highlighting the difficulties families face when they have a child with autism, and for pointing out that experts emphasize the importance of starting…

ASAT Responds to’s “Hope for autistic teens: How Applied Behaviour Analysis helped Ian Rogerson’s son Jack overturn bleak prognosis”

Source   Dear Ms. Grasswill: I watched “I Am Jack” on Australian Story (October 6, 2014) and read your article, “Hope for autistic teens: How Applied Behaviour Analysis helped Ian Rogerson’s son Jack overturn bleak prognosis,” with great interest.  You have done well in capturing the poignant moment when a family learns that their child…

ASAT Responds to Newsweek’s “Autism Therapy in 6-Month Old Babies Eliminates Symptoms in Limited Study”

Source   Dear  Ms. Schlanger: I am writing to extend my appreciation for your story titled, “Autism Therapy in 6-Month Old Babies Eliminates Symptoms in Limited Study” (, September 9, 2014), and commend you for balancing the potential benefits of a relatively low-cost, low-intensity therapy, and the limited conclusions that can be made given the…

ASAT Responds to The’s “Preventable Diseases on the Rise – Paul Offit”

Source   Dear Mr. Colbert, We are writing to express our delight with your coverage of a very important topic, vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (—paul-offit , April 28, 2014). We also commend your choosing Dr. Paul Offit as your guest. Dr. Offit has made a great contribution to correct the misinformation about and promulgate…

ASAT Responds to Bangor Daily News’ “Old Town athlete honor student shares story of overcoming ‘bleak diagnosis’ of autism”

Source   Dear Mr. Clark: Thank you so much for sharing such a heartwarming and inspiring story about this young man’s efforts to raise money and awareness for children with autism in Maine. Connor’s central message cannot be overstated:  Children with autism need early intervention to achieve success later in life. Given the diversity in…