Media Watch Letters

ASAT Responds to’s “Autistic Child Finds Comfort from Non-Traditional Therapy”

Source   Dear Ms. Keefe: With great interest, we read your article entitled, “Autistic Child Finds Comfort from Non-Traditional Therapy” (December 13, 2012), regarding reflexology’s supposed success in treating a child with autism. We appreciate your attention to this topic. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects an entire family as well as the individual, and often…

ASAT Responds to’s “Popular autism treatment might not be effective, study finds”

Source   Thank you, Jordan Gass-Pooré, for your November 18, 2012 piece on sensory integration therapy (SIT). The Association for Science in Autism Treatment’s Media Watch initiative monitors mainstream media to identify published information about autism and autism treatment, and we provide critique where needed, as well as our praise to journalists writing objectively and…

ASAT Responds to US News story “Many Parents of Kids with Autism Don’t Put Faith in Pediatricians”

Source   Dear Ms. Goodwin, Because pediatricians are typically the first point of contact when parents are concerned about their child’s development, we read your article, “Many Parents of Kids with Autism Don’t Put Faith in Pediatricians” (May 16, 2012), with great interest. We commend you for your straightforward reporting of the research results, which…

ASAT Responds to US News story “Doubt Cast on Usefulness of ‘Sensory’ Therapies for Autism”

Source   Dear Ms. Goodwin, Thank you for your article, “Doubt Cast on Usefulness of ‘Sensory’ Therapies for Autism” (HealthDay News, May 28, 2012). For parents of children diagnosed with autism, the decision over treatment can be a complicated one. Sadly, scientifically supported treatments for autism, such as applied behavior analysis (ABA) are often overshadowed…