Media Watch Letters

ASAT Responds to US News story “Doubt Cast on Usefulness of ‘Sensory’ Therapies for Autism”

Source   Dear Ms. Goodwin, Thank you for your article, “Doubt Cast on Usefulness of ‘Sensory’ Therapies for Autism” (HealthDay News, May 28, 2012). For parents of children diagnosed with autism, the decision over treatment can be a complicated one. Sadly, scientifically supported treatments for autism, such as applied behavior analysis (ABA) are often overshadowed…

ASAT Responds to’s “Massachusetts Emergency Workers Learn to Recognize Autism”

Source   Dear Ms. Lavoie: I am writing to extend my appreciation for your story titled, “Massachusetts Emergency Workers Learn to Recognize Autism” (, May 27, 2012), and commend you for raising awareness about an important issue for individuals with autism and their caregivers. Teaching first responders about autism and the complexities involved in interacting…

ASAT Responds to Des Moines Register’s “Autistic man struggles in Iowa’s mental health system”

Source   Dear Mr. Leys, We read your recent article, “Autistic man struggles in Iowa’s mental health system” in the Des Moines Register (February 4, 2012), and applaud you for bringing to light a challenging, but unfortunately prevalent situation for many adults with autism and their families. You captured the heartbreaking reality that many individuals with autism in…