Media Watch Letters

ASAT Responds To Channel News Asia’s, “Commentary: Does the word ‘autistic’ make you uncomfortable? It shouldn’t, says the community”

Dear Ms. Yip and Ms. Yeoh, We are writing in response to your thoughtful article, “Commentary: Does the word ‘autistic’ make you uncomfortable? It shouldn’t says the community.”  Thank you for bringing light to the current state of autism in Singapore, sharing local experiences of adults who have been diagnosed later in life, and using…

ASAT Responds to The Philadelphia Inquirer’s “Children with autism spectrum disorder need more support during the pandemic”

Dear Mr. Himelstein, We are writing in response to your article, “Children with autism spectrum disorder need more support during the pandemic”.  Thank you for highlighting the unique way in which the pandemic has impacted those with autism.  Many face-to-face therapies for children with autism have been disrupted during the pandemic, which can be challenging…