Zones of Regulation: Is There Science Behind That?

Breanna Roberts, MA, BCBA, Ellie Hardesty, MA, BCBA, and Thomas Zane, PhD, BCBA-D Department of Applied Behavioral Science, University of Kansas What is Zones of Regulation? Zones of Regulation is a “social emotional learning curriculum and regulation program” developed by Leah Kuypers, MAEd, OTR/L (Kuypers, 2011, 2023). This class-wide curriculum has become popular in schools…

Review of Interrogating Neurotypical bias in Facilitated Communication, Rapid Prompting Method, and Spelling 2 Communicate Through a Humanistic Lens

  Schlosser, R. W., & Prabhu, A. (2024). Interrogating neurotypical bias in Facilitated Communication, Rapid Prompting Method, and Spelling 2 Communicate through a humanistic lens. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 11(1), 41-51.   Reviewed by Angela Fuhrmann-Knowles, MA, BCBA Endicott College Reports have indicated that approximately 25-35% of autistic individuals have minimal to no speech…

What are Some Simple Evidence-based Strategies for Teaching Emotion Regulation in the School Setting?

I’m a newly certified behavior analyst working in a school-age program. Many of my students struggle with emotion regulation. However, my coursework and supervision were primarily focused on easily measurable, observable behaviors. While I was taught that behavior analysis doesn’t discredit private events, I just don’t know where to start. A few initial topics or…

A Research Review of the Zones of Regulation Program

Mason, B. K., Leaf, J. B., & Gerhardt, P. F. (2024). A research review of the Zones of Regulation Program. The Journal of Special Education, 57(4), 219-229. Reviewed by: Nicole Radzilowicz, MEd, BCBA, LABA and Mary Jane Weiss PhD, BCBA-D Endicott College and the Association for Science in Autism Treatment Why research this topic? The Zones…

Description of the Treatment Team

Kate McKenna, MEd, MSEd, MS, BCBA David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment Individuals with autism often receive services from multi-disciplinary teams. Treatment teams work in partnership with the individual and their family. The members of a team, and their specialties, may depend on the individual’s current level of functioning, the nature…

Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and social skills groups at school: A randomized trial comparing intervention environment and peer composition

  Dean, M., Williams, J., Orlich, F., & Kasari, C. (2020). Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and social skills groups at school: A randomized trial comparing intervention environment and peer composition. School Psychology Review, 49(1), 60-73. Reviewed by: Daniel Park, MAP and Robert H. LaRue, PhD, BCBA-D Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey…