Individuals with autism have a myriad of needs that need to be addressed across the lifespan, as autism is typically a lifelong developmental disability. This page serves as a comprehensive resource for families and providers of adolescents and adults with autism. A commitment to science, as well as the need to remain a savvy and informed consumer, is paramount when choosing treatments. Unfortunately, the autism community is challenged by a lack of funding for adult programs and limited human resources of professionals with adult expertise, so taking the initiative to learn about transition planning is an important step to ensure optimal success and continued growth. You will find resources on this page pertaining to increasing independence, teaching safety skills, preparing for employment, facilitating community participation, and much more.

Lifespan Priorities

Lifespan Topics in the Media

Intervention and Outcomes

Transition from School to Adulthood


Community Opportunities and Needs

Family Experiences

Lifespan Challenges

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