Tired of the Same Old Birthday Routine?
Karrie Lindeman, EdD, SBL, BCBA-D

Credit: Artwork by Marina Azimova, EdM, MSW, BCBA
Birthday coming up?
Many of us are often faced with the age-old question, “What do you want for your birthday?!?” Many of us have also responded with the same answer, “I don’t know!” or “I have everything!” Next time this dilemma strikes, think about making a birthday pledge to ASAT. Sure, presents are great, but you can join the effort of thousands of other Facebook users who are raising monies for causes that they care about.
What better way to celebrate your birthday than to keep science front and center?
ASAT’s mission is to promote safe, effective, science-based treatments for people with autism by disseminating accurate, timely, and scientifically-sound information, advocating for the use of scientific methods to guide treatment, and combating unsubstantiated, inaccurate and false information about autism and its treatment. If this sounds like a cause important to you, see the steps below. It only takes a few moments to create your own Facebook campaign.
Here’s how you do it:
- On the ASAT Facebook page, select the box, “+ Create Fundraiser”.
- You will then e asked to indicate how much money you want to raise and when you want your fundraiser to end.
- On the next screen you will have the opportunity to add a title and reason for your fundraiser or personalize yourself.
- You can then choose a photo for your campaign and click on, “Create.”
- Last, share your campaign page. Email, tweet, and Facebook your family and friends the personalized link to your page you just created and invite them to make donations to ASAT.
Not ready to pledge your birthday?
If it’s not your birthday yet, just email us at donate@asatonline.org to let us know you want to pledge your birthday at a future time. When the day gets near, we’ll send you a reminder to let you know how to start fundraising and to offer you some possible language for your campaign.
Alternatively, you can launch a campaign at any point during the year including for April, Autism Awareness month.
Deep appreciation for our 2018 pledgers
We would like to thank the following individuals who hosted Facebook campaigns for their birthdays, a holiday, or for the giving season in general.
Amanda Bueno
Beatrice Bolling
David Celiberti
Mary Farrell
Rachel Freedman
Sabrina Freeman
Sarah Goldstein
Peggy Halliday
Amy Harbison
Zachary Houston
Erin Leif
Nicole Liz
Mary McDonald
Audrey Patricia
Brooke Wallace
Typhanie Zulauf