October 30, 2024
From 12:00 – 2:05 pm EST
2.5 Ethics CEUs

Join us for a thought-provoking and informative CEU event, “Raising Voices: How can Behavior Analysts Support Parental Advocacy in Families of Individuals with Autism?”, tackling the important topic of what behavior analysts should know and consider in improving parent advocacy. Scroll down to register.


In contrast to parents of children with other conditions, parents of children with autism spectrum disorders today face many challenges such as accessing timely intervention, sifting through hundreds of treatment options, navigating a dizzying amount of misinformation on the internet, hearing an abundance of misconceptions about the behavior analytic treatment, interacting with professionals whose perspectives on science-based intervention may vary widely and making sense of some of the overt conflicts facing our community (whether “treatment” is even appropriate, awareness versus acceptance, “autistic” versus “individual with autism”).  Any one of these challenges can be difficult for parents but are often overwhelming when experienced together. This webinar will highlight the role that behavior analysts can play in helping parents, caregivers, and other consumers become effective and articulate advocates for their children. Connections to the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, considerations, strategies, and practical examples will be highlighted throughout the presentation to broaden the repertoires of attendees.
Learning Objectives:

  1. Attendees will identify and describe common challenges and barriers to parental advocacy.
  2. Attendees will Identify red flags that relate to autism treatment.
  3. Attendees will identify how the Ethics Code can guide efforts to promote advocacy.
  4. Attendees will explain how parental advocacy can be shaped by its consequences.
  5. Attendees will describe how to contrive and capture opportunities to target parental advocacy skills.

Registration Form – Part 1 of 2

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