By David Celiberti, Patrick O’Leary, Alice Bravo, Sunita Chhatwani, and Melissa Taylor
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
How ASAT promotes the field of applied behavior analysis: ASAT is committed to the promotion of evidence-based practices for individuals with autism. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has consistently been shown to be an impactful, evidence-based practice enjoying abundant scientific support. It is part of ASAT’s goal to ensure that disciplines with a high degree of support, such as ABA, are presented in objective, clear, and user-friendly manners.
- We embody the values of objectivity, a commitment to science, transparency, treatment fidelity, and data-based decision-making in all we do. We link these values to the core tenets of behavior analysis and urge members of other disciplines to embrace these same values in their work.
- We respond to accurate and inaccurate representations of applied behavior analysis (ABA) in the media. Approximately half of our Media Watch letters address ABA, and many others relate to ABA outside of the United States, such as in Israel, India, Australia, South Africa, and Canada to name a few.
- We showcase diverse applications of ABA in our Clinical Corner column targeting a wide array of areas such as food selectivity, articulation, toilet training, safety skills for adolescents, sleep, and play.
- We review published research (using single case designs extensively) as part of our Research Synopsis effort, and highlight its relevance and importance within autism treatment.
- We interview prominent behavior analysts from across the globe around common themes of service delivery, dissemination, and access to behavior analytic treatment such as Mickey Keenan, Bill Heward, Tristram Smith, Carl Sundberg and Genae Hall, Tom Zane and Suzanne Letso, Eitan Elder, and James Todd as examples.
- We frequently write about the ethical issues surrounding the selection and implementation of evidenced-based treatment, such as the limitations of testimonials, understanding the peer review process, and obtaining insurance coverage.
- We are promoting the field of ABA worldwide by making our website content available in 39 languages.
How ASAT supports the interests of BCBAs and center-based ABA programs: BCBAs are tasked with the service delivery of ABA in a variety of settings. With both the preponderance of evidence-based and non-evidence-based practices portrayed in the media and literature, ASAT makes it a goal to support BCBAs and agencies in accessing the appropriate methodologies.
- We provide resources to share with consumers serve.
- We reinforce the messages of behavior analysts who attempt to steer consumers toward evidence based practices and away from harmful or ineffective practices.
- We write about collaboration with related professions and highlight peer-reviewed research from other disciplines.
- We provide opportunities for young professionals to acquire valuable experiences via our externship program.
- We respond to media representations related to autism and ABA allowing BCBAs and center-based ABA programs the ability to interact with ASAT and share our media letters and alerts with their networks and communities.
How ASAT supports the interests of clients and consumers: A Google search for “autism treatments” yields over 13 million results, some with supporting evidence and many without. Perusing the vast number of treatments available can be both daunting and frustrating for consumers, especially consumers with little background knowledge of autism. ASAT makes it a goal to ensure that consumers, both savvy and inexperienced, have access to the appropriate, evidence-based treatments that children deserve.
- We help to keep families and other subscribers in the know via our monthly newsletter (we currently have almost 12,000 subscribers).
- We serve as a reliable and accurate resource for families of newly diagnosed individuals.
- Our written works continually reinforce the importance of asking questions to assess provider competency, credential verification, and goodness of fit.
- We help consumers become educated, skeptical, and savvy when it comes to evaluating various treatment options.
- We teach consumers to discriminate between science and pseudoscience.
- We explain behavioral concepts using nontechnical language.
- We help consumers remain apprised of the latest research in a consumer-friendly manner.
- Our articles often reference and explain the BCBA credential, and mention behavior analysts as professionals to whom consumers should turn to for various areas of need and support.
- We maintain an active Facebook page to help parents and other family members better understand the scope of what evidence-based practice represents.
Citation for this Article:
Celiberti. D., Leary. P., Bravo. A., Chhatwani. S., & Taylor. M. (2017). Standing for science, supporting applied behavior analysis. Science in Autism Treatment Newsletter, 14 (1). 37-38.