

Dear Ms. Tsouderos:

We commend you on your continued campaign to inform the public of the empirical scientific evidence behind baseless claims regarding both the cause of and interventions for autism (“When the Evidence Is Conclusive,” January 30, 2011).

It is vitally important that the media take responsibility to get the facts straight about the value of childhood vaccinations. The continued attention paid to the nonexistent vaccine-autism link draws resources away from identifying and improving effective interventions for autism, and continues to put thousands at risk for life-threatening diseases that could potentially have been eradicated. Your evaluation of the recent books published by Paul Offit and Seth Mnookin highlights for the reader the clear empirical evidence in support of vaccinations.

By personalizing your review with the story of your son’s battle with croup, we can hope that your words may resonate with more parents and help them understand the true value and safety of vaccines.

Thank you for your commitment to raising awareness about scientific research and autism.


Hannah Hoch, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Media Review Committee, Association for Science in Autism Treatment

Barbara Jamison
Board Member, Association for Science in Autism Treatment

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