Dear Editor:
We read with interest your recent press release titled, “Journal of Communication Disorders Releases First Autism Study of the Son-Rise Program® .”
The very fact that this is the first study examining the benefit of a program that has been touted as an amazing and highly successful treatment for the past 35 years is alarming in and of itself. What is even more alarming is the quote from Bryn N. Hogan, Executive Director of the Autism Treatment Center of America, “This study removes doubt about The Son-Rise Program, and we expect it to serve as a catalyst, enabling more families to get funding approval.”
Scientific researchers across a wide array of disciplines know that one study “does not remove doubt.” Instead, one study should lead to more studies, ideally by a wide array of researchers. That is how science works!
Parents and providers deserve better accountability. Funders deserve more data to ensure that monies are being appropriated to interventions that enjoy the most extensive scientific support.
David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D
Association for Science in Autism Treatment