Carolina Arguello, MS, BCBA
Association for Science in Autism Treatment

Did you know that resources on our website can be translated into 100+ languages? The Google Translate feature enables individuals worldwide to benefit from our online offerings. This is important to us as one of ASAT’s foremost goals is international dissemination. We hope to bridge the gap between language barriers and access to our resources; and that you and your loved ones both in the U.S. and abroad will take advantage of this feature. We are aware that these translations may not be perfect but want to make the content available, nonetheless. In addition, we are working on collaborating with others to develop translated content soon.

We hope this step-by-step description will help you access and benefit from our content.

1. Go to our website: Make sure your page is fully expanded otherwise the translation bar may not appear.

2. On the upper right of our website page, you will see a horizontal bar that shows this:

3. Click on the drop-down menu. This will list all languages into which our website can be translated. If you do not immediately see your preferred language, hover over the down arrow to scroll through the languages available.

4. Click on your preferred language.

5. All content will automatically be translated, and a new page will load (the sample below is in Spanish).

6. Browse through website tabs or use the search bar to find exactly what you want to learn more about.

7. For easy access to our site in the future, bookmark the website!

We hope you find our content beneficial. Please review our disclaimer related to the use of this feature.


For Mobile Users:

  1. Once you enter our website you will see a translation widget on the bottom left with “EN” and Flag.
  2. Click on the translation widget and select your preferred language.
  3. After you’ve made your language selection the website will automatically reload and translate all content. The sample below is translated into Spanish.
  4. After the webpage loads you are free to explore the website in your chosen language. The translation widget will always remain on screen.

Translated flyers in more than 20 languages can be found here. Please help our dissemination efforts for Science in Autism Treatment by sharing these resources.

Citation for this article:

Arguello, C. (2023). Making the most of Google Translate on ASATs Website. Science in Autism Treatment, 20(9).




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