Chelation Treatment for Children with Autism

Written by Joyce Elizabeth Mauk, MD Advisory Board Member, Association for Science in Autism Treatment President/CEO and Medical Director Child Study Center, Fort Worth, Texas One of the unfortunate byproducts of the media hype relating autism to vaccines is renewed interest in chelation as a treatment for autism. Chelation refers to a medical procedure that…


Can the principles of applied behavior analysis be used to toilet train a child with an autism spectrum disorder? Answered by Frank Cicero, PhD Director of Psychological Services at Eden II Programs Here is the good news…children with autism can be toilet trained through the exact same methods that are used with typically-developing children. And…

Regulating Sleep

I am a home program coordinator who works with a six-year old child diagnosed with autism. The parents are concerned because their child struggles at bedtime and will often wake up in the middle of the night to come into their room. The parents want their child to stay asleep and have tried everything to…

Mouthing Objects

My child seems to put everything into his mouth-paper, stones, leaves, plastic, toys… What can I do about this? Answered by James Mulick, PhD Ohio State University Pica refers to the apparent appetite for non-food items with no nutritional value. It presents a problem when the items are poisonous, pose the risk of infection, are…

Food Selectivity

I am a behavior analyst working with a 6-year-old child with a very limited food repertoire. Do you have any assessment and treatment recommendations that can guide my efforts to address this area? Answered by Jill K. Belchic-Schwartz, PhD Pediatric/Child Psychologist, Childhood Solutions, PC, Fort Washington, PA Food selectivity is a fairly common issue with…

Encouraging Parent Participation in Home-Based Intervention

How does a behavior consultant who is invested in the child’s best outcome encourage parents to actively participate in home-based intervention? Answered by Alice Walkup, MS, BCBA For many parents of children with autism, participation in a home-based behavioral intervention program may seem overwhelming. In addition to managing and advocating for the child’s various services,…

Early Detection and Intervention

Why is early detection and treatment important? How can this be accomplished? Answered by Angela Smith, MA, BCBA Early detection of autism is essential in gaining access to treatment at the earliest point possible. With the rise in the incidence of autism, more and more families are faced with the challenge of accessing intervention programs…

Cooperating with Dental Exams

My daughter with autism was very resistant during her first dental visit. Are there any steps we can take to help her tolerate a dental exam? We were actively involved in her home-based early intervention program for the last two years and have a working knowledge of ABA. Our daughter’s program is overseen by a…

Bowel Training

I am a parent of an adolescent with autism who is urine trained but continues to have bowel accidents. What treatment strategies can I use to begin bowel training with him? Answered by Frank Cicero, PhD, BCBA-D Director of Psychological Services Eden II Programs Lingering issues with bowel training are common in individuals with autism, even…

Preparing to Speak with a Doctor About Medication

My son, who has been diagnosed with autism, has been struggling with self-injury. His doctor is considering whether medication could help. What can I do to prepare for this conversation? Answered by Megan Atthowe, Megan Atthowe, MSN, RN, BCBA Former ASAT Board Member First, you should know that there is no medication that specifically treats…


David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D and Sunita Chhatwani, MSc, MEd Association for Science in Autism Treatment Description: Magnet therapy, magnetic field therapy, or magnetotherapy is a procedure that involves the application of magnets to target overall health as well as an array of pain conditions arising from arthritis, insomnia, headache, neuropathy, tensions, sciatica, fibromyalgia, pelvic pain,…