Catatonia in Autism Spectrum Disorder

My child with ASD has begun to engage in a few behaviors that concern me. For example, he no longer performs skills that he used to be able to do on his own, and he now moves very slowly! I’ve heard about catatonia, and worry that it might be affecting my son. Can you tell…

Updated Resources for Promoting Dental Hygiene and Success at the Dentist

Resources for Promoting Success at the Dentist David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D, Maithri Sivaraman, MSc, BCBA, and Yash Gupta Association for Science in Autism Treatment Resistance associated with dental visits is an all-too-common challenge for many individuals with (and without) autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Such resistance can lead to the use of restraint or pharmacological management,…

An Interview with Purnima Hernandez, DDS, MA, BCBA

An Interview with Dr. Purnima Hernandez, DDS, MA, BCBA, Medical Provider, Advocate, and Mother David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment David: Thank you kindly for taking time from your busy schedule for this interview. When we met at NYSABA this past Fall, I was very intrigued by your credentials; more specifically,…

Is There Science Behind That?: Fecal Microbial Transplantation

Is There Science Behind That? Fecal Microbial Transplantation By Thomas Zane & Kathleen Holehan Department of Applied Behavioral Science, University of Kansas As the incidence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continues to rise, treatments continue to be developed. A search for interventions yields two different approaches towards treatment – social/psychological/educational, and medical. Examples of the…

Is There Science Behind That? Autism and Complementary Alternative Medicine

By Kelley L. Harrison, MA, BCBA, LBA-KS and Thomas Zane, PhD, BCBA-D Department of Applied Behavioral Science, University of Kansas Biomedical complementary treatment approaches, most commonly known as complementary alternative medicine (CAM), are commonly used to treat the behavioral symptoms of autism (e.g., aggression, irritability, hyperactivity; Hendren, 2013). In fact, Hӧfer, Hoffman, & Bachmann (2017) conducted a systematic review…

Learning to Manage Feminine Hygiene Needs

Question: I have a daughter with autism who is showing signs of puberty. I want her to continue to be as independent as possible and to be prepared for all aspects of her own feminine hygiene, but don’t know where to begin with teaching her how to care for her menses. What is the best…

Is There Science Behind That? Bleach Therapy

By Kelley L. Harrison, MA, BCBA, LBA-KS and Thomas Zane, PhD, BCBA-D Department of Applied Behavioral Science, University of Kansas What Does Research Have to Say About HBOT and ASD? Throughout human history, the helping professions – medicine, psychology, education – have operated under many ethical guidelines and codes of conduct. But one singular, defining,…