Targeting Sexuality

We have a teenage son with autism, and as he continues into adulthood we are concerned about being prepared to address specific issues related to sexuality and safety. What are the most important issues for us to consider and what skills should we target to maximize his safety and healthy development? Answered by Frank Cicero,…

Changes to the DSM Autism Diagnostic Criteria

By Leanne Tull, BCBA The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) debuted at the American Psychiatric Association (APA) annual meeting in May 2013. Since the publication of DSM-I in 1952, a standard review process has led to revised DSM editions over the past two decades. Advances in neurology, genetics,…

Autism Treatment Reviews for Physicians

Written by Peggy Halliday, MEd, BCBA Zachary Houston, MS, BCBA Elisabeth Kinney, MS, BCBA & Scott M. Myers, MD Although screening and early recognition of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are important, the role of the primary healthcare provider does not end with diagnosis. Management responsibilities after the diagnosis of ASDs include providing high quality medical…

Review of Mortality in Autism Drowning

Written by Scott Myers, MD Several studies have shown that, although many individuals with autism live long and healthy lives, there is an increased risk of death (mortality) associated with autism1-5. A standardized mortality ratio (SMR) is the ratio of the observed number of deaths to the expected number of deaths, so any value greater…

A Horse of a Different Color: A Review of the Effectiveness of Hippotherapy

Reviewed by Thomas Zane, PhD, BCBA Director of Applied Behavior Analysis Online Programs Van Loan School of Professional and Graduate Studies Endicott College Beverly, Massachusetts Hippotherapy, sometimes also called “equine-assisted” therapy or “therapeutic riding,” involves the use of horses to provide various therapies to persons who display a number of challenging conditions (American Hippotherapy Association,…

Chelation Treatment for Children with Autism

Written by Joyce Elizabeth Mauk, MD Advisory Board Member, Association for Science in Autism Treatment President/CEO and Medical Director Child Study Center, Fort Worth, Texas One of the unfortunate byproducts of the media hype relating autism to vaccines is renewed interest in chelation as a treatment for autism. Chelation refers to a medical procedure that…


Can the principles of applied behavior analysis be used to toilet train a child with an autism spectrum disorder? Answered by Frank Cicero, PhD Director of Psychological Services at Eden II Programs Here is the good news…children with autism can be toilet trained through the exact same methods that are used with typically-developing children. And…