Sustaining $10,000
Partner $5,000
Supporting Star $3,500
Champion $2,000
Benefactor $1,000
Alliance $500
Patron $200
Our 2025 Professional Sponsorship Campaign:
David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA, Executive Director
Carolyn Sniezyk, MS, BCBA, Board Member and Sponsorship Lead
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
We are hoping that you would consider becoming a sponsor of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment.
At ASAT, we believe that every person with autism deserves effective help and information that is based on scientific evidence and can make a real difference in their lives. We know how hard it is for individuals and families to navigate the many options for autism interventions, and that’s why we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information about what has been shown to be effective and what has not. For the past 25 years, we have been a trusted source of guidance for families and providers who want to choose the best treatments for their loved ones with autism. And we are committed to doing so for the next 25 years and beyond. Our vision is a world where all people with autism can access the most effective, science-based interventions, with equity no matter their age, severity, location, or available finances.
Fortunately, we are not alone in this mission. There are many other professional organizations and businesses in our communities who share our concern about the lack of scientific support for many autism treatments, and the challenges this poses for families and providers who need to make informed decisions. We are proud to say that over 75 professional organizations participated in our sponsorship initiative last year, along with a small and growing number of community sponsors. These organizations support ASAT and its goal of spreading trustworthy, science-based information about autism and its treatments while also improving the availability of high-quality, evidence-based interventions for all people with autism.
There are several levels of sponsorship:
- Sustaining $10,000
- Partner $5,000
- Supporting Star $3,500
- Champion $2,000
- Benefactor $1,000
- Alliance $500
- Patron $200
All professional sponsors receive recognition in ASAT’s newsletter, Science in Autism Treatment (SIAT); recognition on www.asatonline.org from within one month of sponsorship up to the end of the sponsorship year along with a display of your organization’s icon and a link to your website; and a discount on advertisements through ASAT. Details about the various benefits that we offer at other sponsorship levels can be found here: Sponsorship Benefits.
- Sustaining sponsors ($10,000) will receive five individual shoutouts on ASAT’s Facebook page, and up to two additional event shoutouts, two tweets, your logo listed on an ASAT resource printed during the sponsorship year, up to six ads in SIAT at no charge and a 50% discount on all other advertisements, a 500+ word program description in two issues of SIAT, an entire newsletter issue dedicated to your organization with an invitation to be interviewed in the newsletter, a sliding hyperlinked logo on the homepage of ASAT’s website for the sponsorship year, a stationary link on ASAT’s homepage, and a permanent ad on ASAT’s homepage.
- Partner sponsors ($5,000) will receive three individual shoutouts on ASAT’s Facebook page, and one additional event shoutout, one tweet, up to four ads in SIAT and a 50% discount on all other advertisements, a 500+ word program description in an issue of SIAT, an entire newsletter issue dedicated to your organization with an invitation to be interviewed in the newsletter, a sliding hyperlinked logo on the homepage of ASAT’s website for the sponsorship year, and a stationary link on ASAT’s homepage.
- Supporting Star sponsors ($3,500) will receive two individual shoutouts on ASAT’s Facebook page, up to three ads in SIAT at no charge, a 50% discount on all other advertisements, a sliding hyperlinked logo on the homepage of ASAT’s website for the sponsorship year, and a stationary link on ASAT’s homepage.
- Champion sponsors ($2,000) will receive two individual shoutouts on ASAT’s Facebook page, two ads in SIAT at no charge, a 50% discount on all other advertisements, and a sliding hyperlinked logo on the homepage of ASAT’s website.
- Benefactor sponsors ($1,000) will receive an individual shoutout on ASAT’s Facebook page, one ad at no charge, a 50% discount on all other advertisements, and a sliding hyperlinked logo on the homepage of ASAT’s website.
- Alliance sponsors ($500) will receive an individual shoutout on ASAT’s Facebook page and a 50% discount on all advertisements.
- Patron sponsors ($200) will receive a 20% discount on all advertisements.
Professional sponsorship of ASAT not only provides financial support used specifically for our dissemination efforts but also sends a clear message that ASAT’s vision is shared by others within the professional community. The funds provided by the ASAT sponsors will help support several directed efforts undertaken by ASAT this year (e.g., distribution of Science in Autism Treatment at no charge to all recipients, a journalist/media education program, and public awareness of our newsletter and website).
ASAT’s Professional Sponsors are asked to support the following tenets:
- All treatments for individuals with autism should be guided by the best available scientific information.
- Service providers have a responsibility to rely on science-based treatments.
- Service providers should take the steps necessary to help consumers differentiate between scientifically validated treatments and treatments that lack validation.
- Consumers should be informed that any treatment lacking scientific support should be pursued with great caution, if at all.
- Objective data, along with client and family input, should be used when making clinical decisions.
The tasks of educating the public about scientifically validated interventions and countering pseudoscience are daunting ones; and ASAT appreciates the support of both our Professional and Community Sponsors.
If you are an organization or program involved in autism and are interested in becoming a professional sponsor, please click here. If you have any questions, please email us at sponsor@asatonline.org.
Disclaimer – ASAT has no formal relationship with any of the above organizations and businesses. Furthermore, their stated endorsement of the above tenets is not verified or monitored by ASAT. Although ASAT expects that all sponsoring organizations will act in accordance with the above statements, we do not assume responsibility for ensuring that sponsoring organizations engage in behavior that is consistently congruent with the statements above.
Citation for this article:
Celiberti, D., & Sniezyk, C. (2024). Our 2024 new Professional Sponsorship Campaign: Double your impact with matching funds from our founder. Science in Autism Treatment, 21(9).