The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs (2017)
William T. Courtney, Breanne K. Hartley, Vince J. LaMarca, Mary Rosswurm, and Dennis H. Reid
Distributed by LittleStar ABA Therapy
Reviewed by David Celiberti and Sarah Treadaway

The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs
Effective training and supervision is of critical importance in the delivery of services to individuals with autism. Well trained and supervised technicians are the soil in which best outcomes can take root, particularly given the intensive nature of behavior analytic treatment for individuals with autism. Therefore, it is imperative that agencies invest adequate time, resources, and effort to ensure that all staff, including paraprofessionals, are properly trained. Furthermore, their important work must be monitored closely, feedback should be delivered in a systematic and constructive manner, and the relationship between their work and desired outcomes of the clients served must be continually assessed. These can be daunting tasks.
Although there are many training manuals that have been published in the field, only a few are comprehensive, well organized, and position trainees to fully embrace an active role in their training. With that, we were delighted to review The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs, authored by William T. Courtney, Breanne K. Hartley, Vince J. LaMarca, Mary Rosswurm, and Dennis H. Reid, a resource specifically focusing upon the training of supervisors.
Let us start with the behavior analytic definition of supervision put forth by the authors: Supervision involves establishing and maintaining desired work skills among staff to promote client outcomes. This succinct definition captures the essence of effective supervision. It also provides an important framework upon which to conceptualize the training of those tasked with supervising others. The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs embodies this conceptualization in a systematic, comprehensive, and well-designed manner.
The explicit goal of this curriculum is to effectively prepare those who provide ABA services and support by training current and future supervisors in evidence-based methods of supervising staff. Readers will note that the curriculum is synched with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Task List. This curriculum is comprised of two booklets: one for the trainer (a current supervisor) and one for the trainee (a supervisor in training).
The primary curriculum for training supervisors is made up of four sections:
- Introduction: Using the Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs: The introduction notes all of the sections of the curriculum and provides detailed descriptions of the content in each section.
- Nine Training Modules: Presentation of these modules requires approximately eleven hours of classroom-based training (divided into two 5 ½-hour days OR across several days involving hour-long sessions).
- On-the-Job Mastery Checks with Trainer Instructions and Forms: Trainees are required to meet classroom and on-the-job mastery criteria to successfully complete the training.
- Recommended readings and sample forms.
Each of the modules contains the following five components that enable the trainers to be well prepared, well organized, and focused in their delivery:
Module Summary Page |
Presentation Content |
Trainee Worksheets |
Trainee Mastery Checks |
Presentation Slides |
The modules address the following fundamentally important areas:
- Introduction to Supervision highlights the relevance of evidence-based, effective supervision;
- Pinpointing Performance outlines expectations for trainees and encompassing scope of practice, and professional conduct;
- Assessing Performance lays out a multi-component approach incorporating interviews, formal observations, and permanent products;
- Establishing Behavior I – Training showcases the merits and applications of Behavioral Skills Training (BST) in promoting skill acquisition;
- Establishing Behavior II – Performance Feedback highlights the steps and format considerations, including how to make feedback delivery more acceptable to recipients;
- Maintaining Behavior: Reinforcing Quality Performance describes both formal and informal feedback delivery and steps to promote work enjoyment;
- Pinpointing Effective Supervisor Performance reveals how the supervisor can evaluate his or her effectiveness;
- Resolving Problematic Performance includes describing and designing interventions to address challenges that arise, making the distinction between problematic performance due to skill deficit and that due to choosing not to perform a duty; and
- Leadership and BACB Required Features of Supervision addresses the importance of supervisory activities in accordance with BACB specifications.
The Recommended Reading and Sample Forms section provides a list of recommended supplemental readings in addition to two sample competency forms: Technician General Competency Form and the Client-Specific Competency Form.
Trainee Manual
As stated above, the authors take great effort to ensure that supervisors and aspiring supervisors are actively engaged in their training experience. We were very pleased to see that the modules are peppered with questions that encourage understanding, reflection and application. More specifically, a box with a question mark in it signifies a question directed to the trainee (e.g., Why would supervisors directly observe technician performance? Can you think of additional examples of possible products that could be used to assess technician performance?). The manual is laid out with generous right-hand margins to enable note-taking. Again, this is in keeping with the intent that the current and aspiring supervisors fully embrace their training experience.
The final section consists of recommended readings and the same sample forms as in the Trainer’s manual. The recommended readings are annotated, providing the trainees with information about the merits of each resource and why they might consider reviewing it. This is a helpful practice that can be easily adopted by anyone involved with training others.
One copy of the Trainee Manual is provided with the curriculum although more can be ordered. Agencies are permitted to copy if strictly used within the organization as it is recommended that each trainee should have their own copy.
It is important to note that this curriculum fulfills important BACB requirements for supervisors. More specifically, the eight hours of supervisory training based on the BACB task list for effective supervision can be met through presentation of Modules one through seven. In addition, the last two modules combined meet the BACB requirements for one hour of ethics training.
There are a number of other noteworthy strengths of this curriculum. For example, the main trainer manual is divided into clear, concise, and well-organized sections. In contrast to other curricula, The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs provides all necessary resources to effectively utilize the resource (presentation slides, content, forms, exercises). Digital video discs (DVDs) videos of a seasoned trainer presenting the materials can be purchased from the publisher.
Congratulations to these authors who have provided agencies with an affordable way to ensure their staff have the necessary skills to supervise their technicians while abiding by the BACB guidelines and recommendations.
Please note that the training program represented in The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs is based on the BACB Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline but is offered independent of the BACB.
Citation for this article:
Celiberti, D., & Treadaway, S. (2019). Review of “The training curriculum for supervisors of ABA technicians in autism programs.” Science in Autism Treatment, 16(1).