Review of The Function Wheels

Reviewed by Jen Cote, BA, Extern David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment The Function Wheels Individuals with autism often demonstrate challenging behaviors in home, school, and community settings and, as a result, their service providers develop behavioral interventions to address these challenges. The effectiveness of behavioral interventions is predicated, in part,…

Some Websites and Online Resources for Parents

  Compiled by Peggy Halliday, MEd, BCBA, Julia Weiss (Extern), and David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment The following websites include milestones, checklists, booklets, and a wealth of information to help parents become savvy consumers of autism treatment. The contributors are parent groups as well as professional, medical, scientific, and legal…

Interview with Catherine Maurice, PhD, Parent, Author, and Founding Board Member of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment

Conducted by David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Executive Director, Association for Science in Autism Treatment I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Catherine Maurice, a founding member of ASAT and current member of our Professional Advisory Board. Dr. Maurice has been a long-term supporter and integral part of ASAT’s success. We are deeply grateful for her…

Caveat Lector: Let the Reader Beware

By David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D and Renee Wozniak, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment The decisions of many consumers are influenced by what they read in the newspaper or on the Internet and hear about on television or radio. It is our belief that access to effective treatment for the autism community is enhanced by…

Twenty Six Ways to Support ASAT

David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment In 2023 we celebrated our 25th Anniversary, what an incredible milestone that was only achieved with all the support of our volunteers, authors, sponsors, and donors. As we embark on a new year, we offer you 26 ways to support ASAT’s important work. Help us…