Donor Wall

2022 Donor Wall In addition to our entire Board of Directors of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment, we acknowledge the following donors. Without their support, our important work could not be carried out. For that we are grateful. Benefactor $1000-1999 Phyllis Freidt (in honor of Peggy Halliday) Eric Lane Carol and Tom Sloan…

Interventions Targeting Expressive Communication Systems in Adults with ASD: A Systematic Review

  Wilson, K. P., Steinbrenner, J. R., Kalandadze, T., & Handler, L. (2019). Interventions targeting expressive communication systems in adults with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(4), 1959-1978. Reviewed by: Kristen Singagliese, MS Ed, SPEd and David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment Why…

Some media representations of autism across the lifespan

David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D, Eilis O’Connell, MA, BCBA, Preeti Chojar, MCA, and Smrithi Thyagarajan (Extern) Association for Science in Autism Treatment Each year as tens of thousands of children with autism turn 18, they and their families face an uncertain future due to changes in service delivery models, limited funding, and diminished services, supports, and…

What is Functional Communication Training?

My student Molly is nonvocal. Whenever I assign independent worksheets, Molly will often refuse to work by ripping up the assignment, throwing her pencil, or putting her head down. There are also times when the students are working and I must take a phone call or am helping another student, and she screams. I am…

ASAT Responds to EurekAlert’s “Study finds children with autism more likely to face maltreatment”

Dear EurekAlert:   Thank you for your article which suggested that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were nearly 2.5 times more likely than children without ASD to be reported for suspected abuse/neglect by the age of 8.  These data support other troubling statistics regarding the risks facing children with ASD, including higher mortality rates and…

ASAT Responds to Autism Parent Magazine’s “Types of Autism Behavior Interventions”

Dear Ms. Barloso, Thank you for your recent article showcasing various interventions for autism for children with autism based on the time-tested and scientifically-validated principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). A common denominator among these approaches is that each enjoys scientific support and rely on data to make important decisions. At present, there are over 500 different…

An Interview with Dr. Suzanne Buchanan

David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment David:  I learned of Autism New Jersey (formerly COSAC) in the late 1980s and have seen it grow steadily in size and impact over the last 30 years. How would you describe Autism New Jersey to our readers? Suzanne: Autism New Jersey (ANJ) is a…