How Behavior Analysts Can Support ASAT

By David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D and Carolyn J. Sniezyk, MS, BCBA Association for Science in Autism Treatment We hope you have been able to peruse our array of resources for behavior analysts, as well as our recently published article: How ASAT Supports Behavior Analysts, and discovered more about how we support your important work. As it truly…

How ASAT Supports Behavior Analysts

By David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D, Frank Cicero, PhD, BCBA, and Sunita Chhatwani, MSc, MEd Association for Science in Autism Treatment Since 1998, ASAT has been a leading organization in the dissemination of information on best practices in the treatment and care of individuals with autism. At ASAT, it is our belief that treatments should be…

Celebrating Brizida Vinjau, MS, BCBA

David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment  Beginning last year, we are formally showcasing some of the wonderful volunteers who share their time and talent with ASAT. In this fourth installment, we feature Brizida Vinjau, MS, BCBA, who resides in Toronto and serves in two important capacities: Managing Editor of Science in…

Showcasing ASAT on X

By David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D and Juliana Valencia, BS Association for Science in Autism Treatment ASAT is excited to announce that we have increased our presence on X, formerly known as Twitter. X is a versatile social media platform that allows us to share high-quality information about autism and its treatment with a diverse and…

Behavioral Sibling Training

Mi Trinh, BA, and David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment Description: Learning how to interact and engage with other children is among the many social challenges that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) confront, with some finding even minimal social interaction difficult. Including siblings in treatment can be potentially effective in…

Celebrating Marcia Questel, MSEd, BCBA

David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment  Our 25th anniversary provides us with an opportunity to look beyond those who have served on our Board of Directors and our Professional Advisory Board and reflect on the countless other volunteers who have shared their time and talent with ASAT. In this third installment,…

Celebrating Sunita Chhatwani, MSc, MEd

David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment Our 25th anniversary provides us with an opportunity to look beyond those who have served on our Board of Directors and our Professional Advisory Board and reflect on the countless other volunteers who have shared their time and talent with ASAT. In this second installment,…

ASAT Sponsors Special Issue of Evidence-based Communication Assessment and Intervention on Facilitated Communication and its Variants: Evidence in Context

David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D Association for Science in Autism Treatment Communication is a powerful and necessary skill set, particularly for individuals with autism who may face significant challenges in expressing themselves. Fortunately, there are numerous interventions that can help with effective communication; however, not all communication methods are equally valid and scientifically supported. Some methods,…

Моему ребенку поставили диагноз Аутизм. И что теперь? – Список ранее опубликованных статей с аннотациями

Составлено Дэвидом Селиберти, доктором наук, BCBA-D, Марией Кадери, магистром здравоохранения, Эйлис О’Коннелл, MA, BCBA, и Кэтрин М. Дейли, MA, BCBA, LBA ASAT – Ассоциация Науки в Лечении Аутизма English version of article Cтатью перевели Элизабет Токарская и Марина Азимова, EdM, MSW, BCBA Получение диагноза для вашего ребенка может стать источником растерянности и эмоциональной травмы для родителей…

Mi hijo acaba de ser diagnosticado, ¿y ahora qué?: Una lista anotada de artículos publicados anteriormente

Traducido por Simon Celiberti-Byam y Carolina Arguello, MS, BCBA Association for Science in Autism Treatment Recibir un diagnóstico para su hijo puede ser confuso y abrumador para los padres del mundo. Publicamos este artículo traducido para mostrar algunos de nuestros articulos publicados anteriormente que pueden ser útiles para usted. Para su comodidad, cada uno de los…