“Verification” and the Peer Review Process

Written by Daniel Mruzek, PhD, BCBA-D If one wanted to market a scientifically-unproven intervention, device, or pill as a valid autism treatment to families affected by autism, how would one go about it? Glossy pictures? Glowing testimonials? Miracle claims? Hyped social media pitches? Charming infomercials? Answer: All of the above. And, here’s another marketing strategy:…

The Pitfalls of Testimonials

Written by Daniel Mruzek, PhD, BCBA-D When searching for a great restaurant or choosing a movie to go see, often we consider the personal re-ports of neighbors, work associates and friends. Why not? Their “testimonies” give us a quick method for judging the probability that a particular restaurant or movie will be a good investment.…


David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D and Sunita Chhatwani, MSc, MEd Association for Science in Autism Treatment Description: Magnet therapy, magnetic field therapy, or magnetotherapy is a procedure that involves the application of magnets to target overall health as well as an array of pain conditions arising from arthritis, insomnia, headache, neuropathy, tensions, sciatica, fibromyalgia, pelvic pain,…

ASAT’s Open Letter to Son-Rise Program®’s Raun Kaufman

Source   Dear Mr. Kaufman: The Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT) is committed to science as the most objective, time-tested and reliable approach to discerning between safe, effective autism treatments, and those that are harmful and/or ineffective. Our mission is to share accurate, scientifically sound information about autism and treatments for autism because…