ASAT Responds to’s “Popular autism treatment might not be effective, study finds”

Source   Thank you, Jordan Gass-Pooré, for your November 18, 2012 piece on sensory integration therapy (SIT). The Association for Science in Autism Treatment’s Media Watch initiative monitors mainstream media to identify published information about autism and autism treatment, and we provide critique where needed, as well as our praise to journalists writing objectively and…

Моему ребенку поставили диагноз Аутизм. И что теперь? – Список ранее опубликованных статей с аннотациями

Составлено Дэвидом Селиберти, доктором наук, BCBA-D, Марией Кадери, магистром здравоохранения, Эйлис О’Коннелл, MA, BCBA, и Кэтрин М. Дейли, MA, BCBA, LBA ASAT – Ассоциация Науки в Лечении Аутизма English version of article Cтатью перевели Элизабет Токарская и Марина Азимова, EdM, MSW, BCBA Получение диагноза для вашего ребенка может стать источником растерянности и эмоциональной травмы для родителей…

Mi hijo acaba de ser diagnosticado, ¿y ahora qué?: Una lista anotada de artículos publicados anteriormente

Traducido por Simon Celiberti-Byam y Carolina Arguello, MS, BCBA Association for Science in Autism Treatment Recibir un diagnóstico para su hijo puede ser confuso y abrumador para los padres del mundo. Publicamos este artículo traducido para mostrar algunos de nuestros articulos publicados anteriormente que pueden ser útiles para usted. Para su comodidad, cada uno de los…

Relevant ASAT Articles for Occupational and Physical Therapists

Compiled by Kate McKenna, MEd, MSEd, MS, BCBA and Kristina Gasiewski, MEd, MOTR/L, BCBA Association for Science in Autism Treatment Occupational and physical therapists are important members of the treatment team providing services to individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. In keeping with our mission of promoting effective evidenced-based treatments for individuals with…

Autism Awareness in the Middle East: Adventures in dissemination to school-age children

By Nicholas Orland, MS, BCBA, LBA Dubai Autism Center, Autism Program Head Doctoral Candidate, Endicott College Autism awareness month is usually associated with many events focused on offering information to community members about autism. It provides an opportunity to disseminate accurate information and to reduce barriers to community inclusion. It also presents a challenge to…

A Non-Exhaustive List of Apps

Compiled by Kathryn M. Daly, MA, BCBA, LBA Association for Science in Autism Treatment and Karen Yosmanovich MEd, BCBA, LBS Potential, Inc. At the time of the publication of this article, we are approaching 7 months of remote education and therapy delivery followed by limited in-school learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result,…

An Interview with Dr. Francesca degli Espinosa

Conducted by Maithri Sivaraman, MSc, BCBA Association for Science in Autism Treatment I had the good fortune to speak with Dr. Francesca degli Espinosa who runs a behavioral clinic in the UK offering ABA family consultation and professional training services. She also teaches in the ABA Master’s program at the University of Salerno in Italy,…

How can I teach telephone skills at home?

My child can no longer attend school or therapies due to COVID-19, and we are staying home to avoid transmission of the virus. I’d like my child to remain connected to her grandparents and other family members during this uncertain time, but she isn’t great at talking on the phone. Her grandparents would be so…