David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D
Association for Science in Autism Treatment

ASAT Celebrates Kimberly Marshall PhD, BCBA-DAlthough ASAT is blessed to have an incredible Board of Directors and Professional Advisory Board, as our readers know, we have been showcasing many of the other volunteers who serve ASAT in important ways. In this seventh installment, we feature one of our most impactful volunteers, Dr. Kimberly Marshall, who resides in Oregon and serves as our Treatment Summary Coordinator. She also leads our Scientific Review Committee meetings which enables us to plan current and future content for many related columns of Science in Autism Treatment – not just treatment summaries, but research synopses, Science Corner articles, and installments of Is There Science Behind That?

The depth of our appreciation for Kimberly would be understated if we did not provide our readers with some background about our Scientific Review Committee (SRC) as Kimberly has left an indelible imprint on all aspects of its purpose and contributions since she first joined us in 2021. The SRC is engaged in the evaluation and dissemination of scientific research related to the full array of autism treatments and ensures that content published by ASAT reflects the highest standards of scientific integrity and evidence-based practices. Aside from Kimberly, this committee is comprised of representatives from the fields of psychology, applied behavior analysis, and education who develop written content for practitioners, researchers, families, and individuals with autism that is current, accurate, accessible, and reliable.

Under Kimberly’s leadership, ASAT has published 24 treatment summaries in the last few years, two of which she has authored herself. We have successfully struck a balance between behavior-analytic and non-behavior-analytic interventions. These Treatment Summaries have included:

    1. Early Start Denver Model (April 2022)
    2. Sensory Integration Therapy (August 2022)
    3. Picture Exchange Communication System (October 2022)
    4. Direct Instruction (January 2023)
    5. Transcranial Stimulation Therapy (February 2023)
    6. Self-Management Strategies (March 2023)
    7. Dolphin Assisted Therapy (April 2023)
    8. Visual Schedules (June 2023)
    9. Magnet Therapy (July 2023)
    10. Video Modeling (August 2023)
    11. AAC (November 2023)
    12. Behavioral Sibling Training (January 2024)
    13. Lego Therapy (February 2024)
    14. ABA (March 2024)
    15. Chelation (May 2024)
    16. Sensory-based Interventions (June 2024)
    17. Weighted Vests (June 2024)
    18. Facilitated Communication (July 2024)
    19. Natural Language Acquisition protocol for Gestalt language development (August 2024)
    20. Functional Communication Training (August 2024)
    21. Wilbarger Brushing Protocol (September 2024)
    22. Holding Therapy (November 2024)
    23. Craniosacral Therapy (January 2025)
    24. Peer Modeling (February 2025)

With a leadership style that is focused, collaborative, and insightful, Kimberly does an incredible job keeping us on track and we anticipate that we will have at least six more treatment summaries published by the end of this year.

When she is not sharing her time and talents with ASAT, Kimberly is the Program Coordinator and a lecturer in the online Applied Behavior Analysis Master’s Program at the University of Oregon, where she works to support her students in developing into compassionate and culturally responsive practitioner-researchers with a strong understanding of the conceptual underpinnings of behavior analysis. In addition to teaching and supporting students, Kimberly conducts research on instructional practices for training future behavior analysts and the successful dissemination of ABA, particularly evaluating the impact of jargon on successful practice and communication. On a more personal note, Kimberly loves traveling and exploring the outdoors with her family, as well as snuggling on the couch with her cat, a blanket, and a warm tea.

Thank you, Kimberly! We appreciate how generously you share your time and talent with us!

Reference for this article:

Celiberti, D. (2025). Celebrating Dr. Kimberly Marshall. Science in Autism Treatment, 22(03).

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