Authors’ Note (August 1, 2023): As we were preparing to republish this collection of tributes, we were reminded of Dr. Tristram Smith’s enduring legacy. This is reflected, in part, by numerous publications not included in our August 2018 tribute, as well as the many articles published posthumously. This updated and impressive list is shared by Dr. Eric Larsson below. We also wanted to provide a few links with our readers which include: an article showcasing a recent bench dedication and ceremony at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), a touching June 2023 article published by Spectrum, and a video of his final presentation at the MIND Institute’s Summer 2018 on Neurodevelopmental Disorders which captures Tris’ commitment to his work despite the significant health challenges he was facing. |
Introduction by David Celiberti and Peggy Halliday followed by a collection of tributes by some of his colleagues and family

Dr. Tristram Smith
It was with great sadness that we shared that Dr. Tristram Smith passed away on August 6, 2018. There are many people in the field who contribute with great abundance to the scientific literature about autism treatment. Many others in the field are staunch advocates for science-based treatment and best practices. Still others are generous with their time and talent while working in small, detailed, but incredibly important ways. Tris was all of those people. It is hard to imagine that one man can accomplish all that he has with respect to conducting and publishing research, supporting an array of nonprofit organizations such as ASAT, mentoring young professionals, and sharing his knowledge and expertise with even the most seasoned. His contributions have been nothing short of transformational, his impact is far reaching, and the tremendous gap his untimely death leaves the autism community is palpable.
Tris was an incredible and beloved member of ASAT’s Board of Directors and will be deeply missed. He served since the very beginning of our journey to promote evidence-based autism treatment, initially as a member of our Professional Advisory Board and then on our Board of Directors from 2005 until his death. We have long appreciated Tris’ compassion, humility, and sense of humor. We wish to honor his legacy and contributions to the field with a collection of tributes. We invited some past and current members of our Board, some of his co-workers from the University of Rochester, colleagues from his past, as well as his wife and daughter to share their thoughts and experiences. Common themes in the tributes to Tris Smith are that he was a man of integrity and incredible intellect, he was unfailingly good-natured and kind-hearted, and he was someone you could always count on. We experienced that in every single interaction that we had with Tris, right up until his death. If there was a question about some obscure autism treatment almost no one had ever heard of, Tris knew about it. He was never too busy to point us, with objectivity and clarity, to any existing research (or lack of research) with the greatest efficiency and patience.
We, at ASAT, have an endless amount of gratitude for all he created and all that he has shaped. Tris has been a mainstay of ASAT and he will be missed by every one of us. We stand on his shoulders. As we look to the future, we hope to carry on his commitment to science and to individuals with autism and their families, as that is the least that we can do to honor such a great man!
Tributes to Tristram Smith, PhD, BCBA
Jenny Katz, Tristram’s wife and mother to Jonah and Maddy
Words Spoken at the Service
And now, I want to say some of my own words to honor Tristram. Many of you know that Tris has always been supremely committed to his goals and also to the people in his life. With regard to work, he seemed tireless. He sat for hours upon hours, pecking out grant proposals, manuscripts, chapters, and reviews with an amazingly fast two fingered typing technique. He gave countless talks. He took classes and read widely to keep up with new developments in the field and to do his part in contributing to innovation. He was a brilliant man who also worked incredibly hard to try to make a difference in the world. He was especially motivated to make the world a better place for children and their families.
Do you know how Tris and I first met? He interviewed me for a job at Washington State University. He seemed very serious and very hard to read. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and he didn’t really answer my questions. It was frustrating. It turns out, he was desperately unhappy there, but of course he didn’t want to say so during my interview. It was NOT love at first sight. I definitely didn’t feel any kind of intimate connection. He struck me as very polite, professional restrained, serious, and remote.
Fast forward later, and I am living in Washington State. We were friends for almost two years before our first date. So how did I fall for Tris? By watching him play with his young son, Jonah. Tris repeatedly taunted and threatened Jonah with “THE CLAW” – “you better watch out you, its going to get you, it ’s coming ….., it ’s coming ….” Jonah was enthralled. The first time I told Tris that I loved him was on Halloween, in 1999. Tris was stylishly dressed up at Mr. Watson to accompany Jonah as Sherlock Holmes. I ’m sorry not to have been around when he was the Robin to Jonah’s Batman. We married after dating for only a few months. You know what kind of people do that? Celebrities. Not me – just him — Tris was an absolute rock star. And Halloween is my favorite holiday.
Tris was full of gentle humor. He loved puns, including “What language do germs speak? German?” Tris also developed humorous nicknames for Jonah and Maddy over the years. Jonah loved basketball and so was called Michael Jonah. When Baby Maddy joined our family, he positively glowed with love and pride. We still call him the baby whisperer. When Maddy toddled around the park, arms out, face raised to the sun, she was called Julie Wen Yong Andrews. When she was grumpy, he called her “surly girly” but always with great affection. Tris loved to take the kids to the farmer’s market, to the Park Ave and Clothesline Festivals, and on bike rides. He read to each of them, every single night, for over ten years. He cooked delicious meals for all of us. At one recent dinner, he asked 15 year old Maddy if she had eaten any salad, the only vegetable he was serving. She balked. Tris asked her what the word for “health” was in Spanish. “Salud,” she said, with triumph. Tris beamed. He said, “Salud – see the connection? Eat salad.”
Tris used humor to cope. We laughed all the time, at everything. At one point in my career, I had a boss who would yell short angry phrases at me. Jenny. Why you call? Why not meet? You are bad. Bad. I ’d complain to Tris, who would send follow up emails to me written in the voice of my boss. Jenny. When you come to dinner? Come home. Home. Over his life, and particularly over the last 3 years, he’s had many serious medical problems. He texted me countless updates about his cardiac health, always with references to love songs. Tris would say things like “the doctor says my heart will go on, like Celine Dion,” and “we have to listen to my heart before it’s too late.” On his last trip to California, just days ago, he sent me a selfie of himself at a Cancer Survivor’s park with the caption “Staying Alive, Staying Alive.”
Tris saw others clearly, including our flaws, but he believed that people are fundamentally good. I think it’s a form of projection. He was so loving and generous with others. He was absolutely decent, down to his bones. A few years ago, we watched a TV show, Fargo, where a man with an orange coat was being hunted. This man sent his girlfriend out wearing the orange coat, knowing she would be the target instead of him. Tris was as wide eyed and incredulous as I’ve ever seen anyone be about anything – his jaw was literally dropped open. He’d never even dream of letting me, or anyone else, take the fall for him!
I can’t tell you how secure and loved he made me feel in that moment. I can’t express how much he made me feel secure and loved — in all of our moments. He showed his boundless romantic heart in countless big but also little ways over the 18 years, 2 months and 2 days of our marriage, making me coffee every morning, letting me steal all of our covers each night. Tris was the best man in the world and the most adoring father to our beautiful children. And along with Jonah and Maddy, he is the absolute great love of my life – I could not be more proud to be his family, his spouse. He was ours, and we have been the very luckiest family.
Maddy Katz, Tristram’s daughter
Part of her Father’s Day Card in 2015 (at age 12)
- I love your smile.
- We always have the best time together when we play outside.
- I love getting your advice on life.
- You have the most handsome haircuts (?)
- Thanks for encouraging me to do my homework.
- I’m glad I got your wisdom.
- I love how you always say, “I know all.”
- If I had to describe you in one word, it would be old-ish.
- Because of you, I learned to swim.
- I love how every day you read to me.
- Yeah, you were right about well … everything.
- I admire your dedication to your work.
- I am amazed by your ability to be smart.
- I love that you taught me to appreciate exercise.
- You cook the best asparagus ever.
- I wish I had known you when you were a kid.
- I love remembering the time you took me to the Strong Museum and the Zoo.
- I love going with you to Chicago, Texas, and other states.
- Your hugs are always slightly bony.
- It’s fun to cheer on Super Bowl games with you.
- I value your advice about life.
- I love listening to mom singing with you.
- I’ll always be grateful for your advice.
- Nobody else can sing like you.
- It makes me smile when you lose things.
- If you were a car, you’d be a convertible.
- It means so much that you showed me how to ride a bike.
- I love that you love my personality.
- I love hearing stories about your childhood.
- I’m so lucky that you’re my dad.
Scott Wright, President and CEO, Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention
Three Moons Over My Hammy
“Three Moons Over My Hammy, all with fries, and more coffee, please.” In a long list of surreal moments I have had over many years with Ivar Lovaas and Tristram Smith, this food order, placed at a Denny’s in Canyon Country, California started a conversation that is near the top of that list.
Ivar was suffering greatly from Alzheimers disease at that time. Tris was in town, and I drove him out for a visit. Ivar LOVED Moons Over my Hammy, and so that would just have to be Tris’ and my order also. The two men exchanged small talk for a while. Ivar possibly recognized Tris, but their long history was not present to him at the time. Ivar asked, “Are you two friends?” “Yes,” I replied, “With you … because of you!” The food arrived, and Ivar was instantly delighted. We sat quietly for a few more moments, “Do you two work together?”, “Yes, but not as long as you and I have worked together,” replied Tris. Ivar then furrowed his brow, and peered at Tris intently, reached out his hand, Tris took it, and they stared at each at each other for a few seconds more, holding hands. Ivar welled up a bit, and then his lip quivered. A flood of emotion was obviously overwhelming him as recognition and love for Tris returned to him. Tris looked at Ivar, breathed heavily, and then just nodded an affirmation, obviously feeling the same emotions. “Oh yah, such a hard worker … such a hard worker …,” Ivar trailed off, then exclaimed, “You wrote a lot!”
Ivar REALLY loved Tris, and Tris loved him right back. That moment, at Denny’s perfectly sums up how I am feeling about Tris as I write this. His work is certainly astoundingly important, a fact that is easy to support with a mountain of data, but for me, it was his heart that impacted and touched me the most. He was an intellectual giant for sure, but more importantly, he was a gentle, caring, and beautiful soul. You could always count on good and thoughtful advice, either about life or work, from Tris. I only understood him about half the time, but that was beside the point. This man, that I loved and respected as a personal hero, seemed to, for some reason, love and respect me back. I know that there are countless stories and feelings out there from his family, friends, and colleagues exactly like mine. Tris was so generous and thoughtful with his time and energy with virtually everyone. We all loved him, and he loved us right back!
Tristram Smith’s most obvious professional legacy is the massive positive impact his research has had on the lives of children with autism. We are right to stand in awe of that legacy. But for me, the massive positive impact he has had on my life, and the lives of countless other friends and colleagues is also his professional legacy.
I have a few times in the past years found myself going to Denny’s and ordering Moons Over My Hammy to warmly remember Ivar and that moment years ago. I will in the future place that same ridiculous order, “Moons Over My Hammy, with fries, and more coffee, please,” only next time it will be to also fondly remember the brilliant, gentle, caring, and beautiful soul of my friend, Tristram.
Catherine Maurice, Author, ASAT Founder, and Member of the Professional Advisory Board
Remembering Tris
I met Tris Smith almost 30 years ago, I believe, when I flew out to Los Angeles to participate in a conference and he was a graduate student at UCLA. I remember not much about our conversation-only my initial impression of a gentle young man, soft-spoken, friendly, a bit shy. A few years later, our paths crossed again when my co-editors and I, working on Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism and aware of his growing reputation for serious scholarship, invited him to contribute a chapter to that publication. That chapter, “Are Other Treatments Effective?, established in my view the intellectual rigor, integrity and courage of Tris Smith. In the fierce “autism wars” that I have written about elsewhere, he was not afraid to speak the truth about the extent and the quality of research behind so many interventions claiming to help people with autism.
He was humble and thoughtful about his own discipline, which revolved around applied behavior analysis, and recognized that it could not be considered a panacea for the challenges associated with autism. He ended his chapter with us on the hope that in the future other interventions would be developed that could help more people diagnosed with autism reach their fullest potential to lead an independent life. But he was equally clear-eyed about the ever-increasing parade of dubious fads and fallacies that had little to no basis in solid research and bled money and time from vulnerable families.
Casting a calm, objective eye on these claims, his work became a valuable tool for people who wished to make informed decisions. And when I say “courage” it is not an overstatement. Anyone who dared challenge some of the claims surrounding Facilitated Communication, Auditory Integration Training or mega-doses of various vitamins-to give but three examples out of dozens and dozens-risked various forms of harassment, intimidation, and public criticism. But I never heard him excoriate anyone in personal terms or respond to any attack with anything less than objectivity and clarity. In the time that I was privileged to work with him, I saw a man steadfast in focus-a man of compassion and principle who had chosen to live a life in service to others, and to the truth.
Kathryn Dobel, J.D., Law Office of Kathryn Dobel, Berkeley, California
I first met Tris Smith in 1989 at UCLA, when he was the Senior ABA Therapist for my young client’s applied behavior analysis (ABA) educational program developed and implemented as part of Ivar Lovaas’ graduate seminar course. At that time, the initial Lovaas research was just being published, and research-based ABA programs were only available through Ivar’s graduate seminar classes through the Clinic for Behavioral Treatment of Children at UCLA. It was a few years later that ABA programs were available in northern California on a workshop model with UCLA students traveling back and forth. My clients in 1989 had to rent an apartment near UCLA to access the program as they lived in San Jose, CA.
Though I had by then been representing children with disabilities in my private practice in Berkeley, California since about 1981, I still knew very little about educational programs that were effective for clients on the autism spectrum. I knew as soon as I met Tris that he was both knowledgeable in the methodology that worked and could effectively explain it in lay and expert terms, and would need to be the witness from UCLA at our hearing if the case did not settle. I did not know at the time that the case (Union School District v. Smith) would take five years to conclude after prevailing at hearing and defending appeals all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, but Tris donated his time for the duration, dedicated to my client and to the science behind the effective programming developed at UCLA at that time.
I could not have presented ABA research in a meaningful way in a hearing without Tris’ kind and patient assistance and unbelievable memory for detail during testimony. After we prevailed in California, Tris evaluated children and testified about the science of ABA programming in Washington, Oregon, Nevada and multiple localities across the country where he and I were able to consult on or participate in efforts to gain precedent setting decisions for early intervention in educational programs through the early 1990s across the country. No matter where Tris was working or the status of his health, he made himself available and was selfless in his dedication to advancing the research and increasing potential for learning for children impacted by autism.
I honor the important work that Tris Smith accomplished during his life, including by working with children and families and their advocates, and through published peer reviewed research papers and replication studies of his original work with Ivar Lovaas. When Tris asked me to participate on the Board of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT), I gladly joined the organization whose Board he had joined early on and served on until his death. Tris will remain an inspiration always, and his efforts to research and advance the analysis of effective treatments for autism will be greatly missed.
Jill Aldrich, MS, BCBA,
Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics University of Rochester Medical Center
When I heard the terrible news of Tris’ passing, I was with my daughter and we were on our way back from a beach weekend. I told her that my first reaction was how sad I was that I wouldn’t ever be able to tell Tris what he meant to me and to our family. I feel a lot of sadness for his wife, Jenny, his son, Jonah and daughter, Maddy – more than I would be able to adequately express. I feel sad for our Division at the University of Rochester and all of my colleagues who want the magnitude of his work on behalf of children with autism to never cease making gains. There was/is so much of his unfinished work here, and at times I have felt sadness and anger that he won’t be able to finish it.
The idea of Tris Smith came into my consciousness before I was his colleague, before I was a behavior analyst. I knew of him before I had the pleasure of meeting and working for him. It was when my husband and I were looking for papers on Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for young children with autism back in the mid-1990s. We were challenging our school district in semi-rural Virginia about what constituted an appropriate education program for our then 4-year-old son. Tris’ work was the foundation of our position with our school district and the findings of his research have helped countless families in the same boat. It’s impossible to calculate how many children were helped in a tangible way by the work done by Tris over the years spanning his career. Our son is now 26 and without it, I can’t imagine where he would be.
Despite how sad I feel at this overwhelming loss, I am filled with gratitude for knowing Tris. I am grateful for his good nature and can attest that his colleagues adored his very presence in the office. He never felt that he was too important to participate in the smallest thing; never was too busy, nor too important to engage. He was such a kindhearted man and positive to a fault. I never heard a disparaging thing said by Tris about anyone and there were plenty of times when someone most assuredly deserved it. I am grateful for his tenacity in caring about other people.
As our research director, Tris was very aware that his work writing grants to further his work also had the by-product of keeping a staff of people employed and receiving health benefits. He considered these needs and took this responsibility very seriously. I will also be forever grateful to him for advising and mentoring me through my Master’s program and BCBA certification as he’s done for scores of others. How lucky are his students, post-docs, mentees, and interns to have had his teaching, training and advisement?
More than all of these things, though, I am most grateful for his friendship. He always made time to have a personal chat. He was a super busy man, but we managed to talk about so many things and his ability to remember minutiae about my family amazes me. His desire to make improvements for people, whether a child with ASD or a coworker or a stranger, is a rare attribute that few share. He was truly, truly special. I am so grateful to have known him and I will miss him forevermore.
Daniel W. Mruzek, PhD, BCBA
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Rochester Medical Center
I met Tristram Smith on a snowy day in February 2002. I had flown in to interview for a junior faculty position at the University of Rochester Medical Center, and he was on my interview schedule for late afternoon. I knew Tris by reputation prior to meeting him because his studies on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) intervention were watershed events in the field. Indeed, I had recently participated in impassioned debates on their ramifications in the circles of my Ohio State graduate program, and I was primed and ready to meet one of the “greats”. As I entered his office for that interview, Tris greeted me with his disarming smile, teased me about Rochester’s “alluring” February weather, and, in his soft-spoken conversation, initiated a discussion on the work we had in front of us. I felt right at home with Tris on that cold February day, as well as over the subsequent 16 years. I’m sure, many other people feel equally blessed to have known him as well. With Tris, one felt respected and valued. Tris was a kind, gentlemanly, principled colleague.
Working with Tris, one had opportunity to see the field of autism intervention from a unique vantage point. He had that rare ability to see over the horizon and share his view with others. Despite his busy schedule, Tris found time for all who wanted to see him, and he freely discussed impactful ideas and fresh insights. Otherwise mundane events, such as waiting for a delayed flight or driving to an appointment, might turn into a new research project, an intervention approach, or book chapter; and we always found something to laugh about. With Tris, one learned “process skills”, like how to focus, formulate questions, spin hypotheses, access resources, connect lines of inquiry, test ideas, and disseminate findings to others. He did all of this with the kind of humility that was, ironically, the byproduct of his wisdom. With this outlook, he allowed for my mistakes, helped me course-correct as needed, and celebrated success. Tris recognized that the application of science should be a very humane undertaking, both in practice and outcome. He had an unparalleled ability, a discipline, really, to keep his eye on the prize: effective interventions for persons with autism and their families. He modeled how to behave as a true scientist and as a gracious ambassador of the field to others.
His mentorship did not end with our science. Actually, it began there and then extended to the broader aspects of our lives. Tris provided a singularly powerful example of how to treat others kindly. Whether with international research experts, an undergraduate volunteer who wanted to talk about opportunities in the field, or young parents grappling with a new diagnosis, Tris was an incredibly patient listener who provided practical, usable advice that gave others reassurance and clarity. When vexed with a problem, one was likely to walk away from Tris thinking, “My problem may not be completely solved, but I know what to do next, and I think it’s going to be OK.” The pride and love he had for his son, Jonah, and daughter, Madeleine, as well as his wife, Jennifer, was, simply put, profound. He treasured his marriage and his family, and, anytime he was asked, “How’s the family doing?” one could hear this in his response.
My last message to Tris was a standard “office message” indicating I would need to reschedule a meeting with him, due to unexpected demands. I wish, instead, I would have texted this: “Tris, you are a fine example of a person for others, and you have been a true friend. I’ll endeavor to carry on your legacy of science and service. You, sir, have made a profound, positive impact in my life. Thank you.” Alas, I can only record that message here.
Eric V. Larsson, PhD, LP, BCBA
Executive Director, Clinical Services
The Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention
Midwest Headquarters
We owe a lot to Tris Smith, not the least of which for the massive volume of work that he produced in his career. The following bibliography of published research papers always impresses us by its length, depth, and scope. Personally, what also always impresses us, is when we think we’ve had an innovative idea, we discover that he’s already published on it. Here are “a few” themes that are worth noting.
His first four publications were all on highly significant issues that persist to this day. All of these publications were also with leaders in the field. The first publication was a comprehensive behavioral theory of autism, accompanied with a plan of research that he was able to follow throughout his career. Soon after, he published a paper on a lasting challenge to ABA – the problem of overly simplistic dissemination of ABA through the means of workshops, with little in the way of a systematic organizational behavior management plan to back them up. Then he moved into the deep technique of ABA in exploring functional and equivalence class development. Finally, the first four are rounded out with the essential follow up report on Lovaas’ 1987 research participants.
From there, he looked at the generality of EIBI with other populations, and of less intensive EIBI. These papers, in combination with his additional research on intensive high-quality replications, truly fleshed out the generality of ABA with autism treatment. He rounded out this exploration with his work on meta-analyses of EIBI.
At the same time, he continued to look at the fine-grained methodology of the field, studying focused approaches to generalization, language programming, social programming, creativity programming, and parent-training.
From there he began to be increasingly sought out by biomedical researchers, and those who were exploring the rules of evidence, and thus began a very high output of research in those realms. It is fitting that his last publication, two weeks before his untimely end, came full circle to a solid replication of his original work with Lovaas. Who was this man, who could work so incisively and diligently across the spectrum of important issues in autism? How wonderful for us that we could be his beneficiaries.
Partial Bibliography of the Work of Tristram Smith, in sequential order.
Kasari, C., Shire, S., Shih, W., Landa, R., Levato, L., & Smith, T. (2023). Spoken language outcomes in limited language preschoolers with autism and global developmental delay: RCT of early intervention approaches. Autism Research, 16(6), 1236–1246.
Anderson, C. M., Iovannone, R., Smith, T., Levato, L., Martin, R., Cavanaugh, B., Hochheimer, S., Wang, H., & Iadarola, S. (2021). Thinking small to think big: Modular approach for autism programming in schools (MAAPS). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(1), 193–211.
Bradshaw, J., Gillespie, S., McCracken, C., King, B. H., McCracken, J. T., Johnson, C. R., Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., Swiezy, N., Bearss, K., Sikich, L., Donnelly, C., Hollander, E., McDougle, C. J., & Scahill, L. (2021). Predictors of caregiver strain for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(9), 3039–3049.
Hassrick, E. M., Shih, W., Nuske, H. J., Vejnoska, S. F., Hochheimer, S., Linares, D. E., Ventimiglia, J., Carley, K., Stahmer, A. C., Smith, T., Mandell, D., & Kasari, C. (2021). Disrupted care continuity: Testing associations between social networks and transition success for children with autism. Social Sciences, 10(7), 247.
Sheridan, E., Gillespie, S., Johnson, C. R., Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., Swiezy, N., Turner, K., Pritchett, J., Mruzek, D. W., Evans, A. N., Bearss, K., & Scahill, L. (2021). Using parent target problem narratives to evaluate outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49(11), 1527–1535.
Zavez, A., Thurston, S. W., Rand, M. D., Mruzek, D. W., Love, T., Smith, T., Shamlaye, C. F., & van Wijngaarden, E. (2021). Delivery mode and child development at 20 months of age and 7 years of age in the Republic of Seychelles. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 25(12), 1930–1938.
Iadarola, S., Pellecchia, M., Stahmer, A., Lee, H. S., Hauptman, L., Hassrick, E. M., Crabbe, S., Vejnoska, S., Morgan, E., Nuske, H., Luelmo, P., Friedman, C., Kasari, C., Gulsrud, A., Mandell, D., & Smith, T. (2020). Mind the gap: An intervention to support caregivers with a new autism spectrum disorder diagnosis is feasible and acceptable. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6, 124.
Sukhodolsky, D. G., Lecavalier, L., Johnson, C., Smith, T., Swiezy, N., Bearss, K., Kalvin, C. B., & Scahill, L. (2020). Anxiety in 3- to 7-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder seeking treatment for disruptive behavior. Autism, 24(2), 400–410.
Waters, C. F., Amerine Dickens, M., Thurston, S. W., Lu, X., & Smith, T. (2020). Sustainability of early intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder in a community setting. Behavior Modification, 44(1), 3–26.
Amin, S. B., Smith, T., & Timler, G. (2019). Developmental influence of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and neurobehavioral disorders. Pediatric Research, 85(2), 191–197.
Iadarola, S., Pérez-Ramos, J., Smith, T., & Dozier, A. (2019). Understanding stress in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A focus on under-represented families. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 65(1), 20–30.
Irwin, J. L., McSorley, E. M., Yeates, A. J., Mulhern, M. S., Strain, J. J., Watson, G. E., Grzesik, K., Thurston, S. W., Love, T. M., Smith, T. H., Broberg, K., Shamlaye, C. F., Myers, G. J., Davidson, P. W., & van Wijngaarden, E. (2019). Maternal immune markers during pregnancy and child neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 20 months in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 335, 577023.
Irwin, J. L., Yeates, A. J., Mulhern, M. S., McSorley, E. M., Strain, J. J., Watson, G. E., Grzesik, K., Thurston, S. W., Love, T. M., Smith, T. H., Mruzek, D. W., Shamlaye, C. F., Monthy, C., Myers, G. J., Davidson, P. W., & van Wijngaarden, E. (2019). Maternal gestational immune response and autism spectrum disorder phenotypes at 7 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Molecular Neurobiology, 56(7), 5000–5008.
Johnson, C. R., Brown, K., Hyman, S. L., Brooks, M. M., Aponte, C., Levato, L., Schmidt, B., Evans, V., Huo, Z., Bendixen, R., Eng, H., Sax, T., & Smith, T. (2019). Parent training for feeding problems in children with autism spectrum disorder: Initial randomized trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44(2), 164–175.
Lecavalier, L., McCracken, C. E., Aman, M. G., McDougle, C. J., McCracken, J. T., Tierney, E., Smith, T., Johnson, C., King, B., Handen, B., Swiezy, N. B., Eugene Arnold, L., Bearss, K., Vitiello, B., & Scahill, L. (2019). An exploration of concomitant psychiatric disorders in children with autism spectrum disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 88, 57–64.
Lopata, C., Thomeer, M. L., Rodgers, J. D., Donnelly, J. P., McDonald, C. A., Volker, M. A., Smith, T. H., & Wang, H. (2019). Cluster randomized trial of a school intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 48(6), 922–933.
Mruzek, D. W., McAleavey, S., Loring, W. A., Butter, E., Smith, T., McDonnell, E., Levato, L., Aponte, C., Travis, R. P., Aiello, R. E., Taylor, C. M., Wilkins, J. W., Corbett-Dick, P., Finkelstein, D. M., York, A. M., & Zanibbi, K. (2019). A pilot investigation of an iOS-based app for toilet training children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 23(2), 359–370.
Nuske, H. J., McGhee Hassrick, E., Bronstein, B., Hauptman, L., Aponte, C., Levato, L., Stahmer, A., Mandell, D. S., Mundy, P., Kasari, C., & Smith, T. (2019). Broken bridges-new school transitions for students with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review on difficulties and strategies for success.Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 23(2), 306–325.
Stahmer, A. C., Vejnoska, S., Iadarola, S., Straiton, D., Segovia, F. R., Luelmo, P., Morgan, E. H., Lee, H. S., Javed, A., Bronstein, B., Hochheimer, S., Cho, E., Aranbarri, A., Mandell, D., Hassrick, E. M., Smith, T., & Kasari, C. (2019). Caregiver voices: Cross-cultural input on improving access to autism services. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 6(4), 752–773.
Stevens, E., Dixon, D. R., Novack, M. N., Granpeesheh, D., Smith, T., & Linstead, E. (2019). Identification and analysis of behavioral phenotypes in autism spectrum disorder via unsupervised machine learning. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 129, 29–36.
Anderson, C. M., Smith, T., & Iovannone, R. (2018). Building capacity to support students with autism spectrum disorder: A modular approach to intervention. Education and Treatment of Children, 41, 107-138.
Anderson, C. M., Smith, T., & Wilczynski, S. M. (2018). Advances in school-based interventions for students with autism spectrum disorder: Introduction to the special issue. Behavior Modification, 42(1), 3-8.
Bradshaw, J., Bearss, K., McCracken, C., Smith, T., Johnson, C., Lecavalier, L., Swiezy, N., & Scahill, L. (2018). Parent education for young children with autism and disruptive behavior: Response to active control treatment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 47(Suppl 1), S445–S455.
Bearss, K., Johnson, C., Handen, B., Butter, E., Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., & Scahill L. (2018). Parent training for disruptive behavior: The RUBI autism network – Clinician Manual. Oxford University Press.
Bearss, Karen; Johnson, Cynthia R.; Handen, Benjamin L.; Butter, Eric; Lecavalier, Luc; Smith, Tristram; Scahill, Lawrence. (2018). Parent Training for Disruptive Behavior (Programs That Work) (p. iv). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.
Hollway, J. A., Mendoza-Burcham, M., Andridge, R., Aman, M. G., Handen, B., Arnold, L. E., Lecavalier, L., Williams, C., Silverman, L., & Smith, T. (2018). Atomoxetine, parent training, and their effects on sleep in youth with autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 28(2), 130–135.
Iadarola, S., Levato, L., Harrison, B., Smith, T., Lecavalier, L., Johnson, C., Swiezy, N., Bearss, K., & Scahill, L. (2018). Teaching parents behavioral strategies for autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Effects on stress, strain, and competence. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(4), 1031-1040.
Iadarola, S., Shih, W., Dean, M., Blanch, E., Harwood, R., Hetherington, S., Mandell, D., Kasari, C., & Smith, T. (2018). Implementing a manualized, classroom transition intervention for students with ASD in under-resourced schools. Behavior Modification, 42(1), 126–147.
Johnson, C. R., Smith, T., DeMand, A., Lecavalier, L., Evans, V., Gurka, M., Swiezy, N., Bearss, K., & Scahill, L. (2018). Exploring sleep quality of young children with autism spectrum disorder and disruptive behaviors. Sleep Medicine, 44, 61-66.
Mruzek, D., McAleavey, S., Loring, W. A., Butter, E., Smith, T., McDonnell, E., Levato, L., Aponte, C., Travis, R. P., Aiello, R. E., Taylor, C. M., Wilkins, J. W., Corbett-Dick, P., Finkelstein, D. M., York, A. M., & Zanibbi, K. K. (2018). A pilot investigation of an iOS-based app for toilet training children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 23(2), 359-370.
Nuske, H., McGhee-Hassrick, E., Bronstein, B., Hauptman, L., Aponte, C., Levato, L., Stahmer, A., Mandellm D. S., Mundy, P., Kasari, C, & Smith, T. (2018). Broken bridges-new school transitions for students with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review on difficulties and strategies for success. Autism. 10.1177/1362361318754529
Smith, T., Eikeseth, S., & Larsson, E.V. (2018). UCLA Young Autism Project. In E. Braaton & B. Willoughby (Eds), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders (Vol. 4, pp. 1689-1691). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. DOI:
Waters, C. F., Amerine-Dickens, M., Thurston, S. W., Lu, X., & Smith, T. (2018). Sustainability of early intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder in a community setting. Behavior Modification, 42(4), 469-493.
Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., Johnson, C., Bearss, K., Swiezy, N., Aman, M. G., Sukhodolsky, D. G., Deng, Y., Dziura, J., & Scahill, L. (2017). Moderators of parent training for disruptive behaviors in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45(6), 1235–1245.
Mruzek, D. W., McAleavey, S., Engel, S., & Smith, T. (2017). A novel enuresis alarm for toilet training: Initial evaluation for students with intellectual disability in a school setting. Journal of Special Education Technology, 31, 217-227.
Smith, T., Iadarola, S., Mandell, D., Harwood, R., & Kasari, C. (2017). Community-partnered research with urban school districts that serve children with autism spectrum disorder. Academic Pediatrics, 17(6), 614-619. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2017.04.017
Tumuluru, R. V., Corbett-Dick, P., Aman, M. G., Smith, T., Arnold, L. E., Pan, X., Buchan-Page, K. A., Brown, N. V., Ryan, M. M., Hyman, S. L., Hellings, J., Williams, C., Hollway, J. A., Lecavalier, L., Rice, R. R., Jr, McAuliffe-Bellin, S., & Handen, B. L. (2017). Adverse events of atomoxetine in a double-blind placebo-controlled study in children with autism. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 27(8), 708–714.
Yuan, J., Holtz, C., Smith, T., & Luo, J. (2017). Autism spectrum disorder detection from semi-structured and unstructured medical data. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics & Systems Biology, 3.
Chowdhury, M., Aman, M. G., Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., Johnson, C., Swiezy, N., McCracken, J. T., King, B., McDougle, C. J., Bearss, K., Deng, Y., & Scahill, L. (2016). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the revised Home Situations Questionnaire for autism spectrum disorder. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 20(5), 528-537.
Devine, K. A., Bukowski, W. M., Sahler, O. J., Ohman-Strickland, P., Smith, T. H., Lown, E. A., Patenaude, A. F., Korones, D. N., & Noll, R. B. (2016). Social competence in childhood brain tumor survivors: Feasibility and preliminary outcomes of a peer-mediated intervention. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 37(6), 475–482.
Fortuna, R. J., Robinson, L., Smith, T., Meccarello, J., Bullen, B., Nobis, K., & Davidson, P. W. (2016). Health conditions and functional status in adults with autism: A cross-sectional evaluation. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 31(1), 77-84.
Hollway, J. A., Aman, M. G., Mendoza-Burcham, M. I., Silverman, L., Arnold, L. E., Tumuluru, R., Handen, B. L., Lecavalier, L., Page, K., Sayre, P., & Smith, T. (2016). Caregiver satisfaction with a multisite trial of atomoxetine and parent training for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and behavioral noncompliance in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 26(9), 807–814.
Hyman, S. L., Stewart, P. A., Foley, J., Cain, U., Peck, R., Morris, D. D., Wang. H., & Smith, T. (2016). The gluten-free/casein-free diet: A double-blind challenge trial in children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(1), 205-220.
Iadarola, S., Oakes, L., Shih, W., Dean, M., Smith, T., & Orlich, F. (2016). The relationship among anxiety, depression, and family functioning impact in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Focus on Autism and Related Disorders, 33(3), 171-181.
Iadarola, S., Shih, W., Dean, M., Blanch, E., Harwood, R., Hetherington, S., Mandell, D., Kasari, C., & Smith, T. (2016). Implementing a manualized, classroom transition intervention for students with ASD in under-resourced schools. Behavior Modification, 42(1), 126-147.
Johnson, C. R., DeMand, A., Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., Aman, M., Foldes, E., & Scahill, L. (2016). Psychometric properties of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire in children with autism spectrum disorder. Sleep Medicine, 20, 5–11.
Kasari, C., & Smith, T. (2016). Forest for the trees: Evidence‐based practices in ASD. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 23(3), 260-264
Leaf, J., Leaf, R., McEachin, J., Taubman, M., Ala’i-Rosales, S., Ross, R., Smith T., & Weiss, M. J. (2016). Applied behavior analysis is a science and, therefore, progressive. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(2), 720-731.
Leaf, J. B., Leaf, R., McEachin, J., Taubman, M., Smith, T., Harris, S. L., Freeman, B. J., Mountjoy, T., Parker, T., Streff, T., Volkmar, F. R., & Waks, A. (2016). Concerns about the Registered Behavior Technician™ in relation to effective autism intervention. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 10(2), 154–163.
Levato, L. E., Aponte, C. A., Wilkins, J., Travis, R., Aiello, R., Zanibbi, K., Loring, W. A., Butter, E., Smith, T., & Mruzek, D. W. (2016). Use of urine alarms in toilet training children with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 53-54, 232–241.
Scahill, L., Bearss, K., Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., Swiezy, N., Aman, M. G., Sukhodolsky, D. G., McCracken, C., Minshawi, N., Turner, K., Levato, L., Saulnier, C., Dziura, J., & Johnson, C. (2016). Effect of parent training on adaptive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder and disruptive behavior: Results of a randomized trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(7), 602–609.e3.
Smith, T., Aman, M. G., Arnold, L. E., Silverman, L. B., Lecavalier, L., Hollway, J., Tumuluru, R., Hyman, S. L., Buchan-Page, K. A., Hellings, J., Rice, R. R., Jr, Brown, N. V., Pan, X., & Handen, B. L. (2016). Atomoxetine and parent training for children with autism and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A 24-week extension study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(10), 868–876.e2.
Bearss, K., Johnson, C., Smith, T., Lecavalier, L., Swiezy, N., Aman, M., McAdam, D. B., Butter, E., Stillitano, C., Minshawi, N., Sukhodolsky, D. G., Mruzek, D. W., Turner, K., Neal, T., Hallett, V., Mulick, J. A., Green, B., Hande, B., Deng, Y., … Scahill, L. (2015). Effect of parent training vs parent education on behavioral problems in children with autism spectrum disorder: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 313(15), 1524-1533.
Dixon, M. R., Reed, D. D., Smith, T., Belisle, J., & Jackson, R. E. (2015). Research rankings of behavior analytic graduate training programs and their faculty. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 8(1), 7–15.
Fortuna, R. J., Robinson, L., Smith, T. H., Macarello, J., Bullen, B., Nobis, K., & Davidson, P. W. (2015). Comorbidities and functional status in persons with autism through the age spectrum. Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Handen, B. L., Aman, M. G., Arnold, L. E., Hyman, S. L., Tumuluru, R.V., Lecavalier, L., Corbett-Dick, P., Pan, X., Hollway, J. A., Buchan-Page, K. A., Silverman, L. B., Brown, N. V., Rice, R. R., Jr., Hellings, J., Mruzek, D. W., McAuliffe-Bellin, S., Hurt, E. A., Ryan, M. M., Levato, L., & Smith, T. (2015). Atomoxetine, parent training, and their combination in children with autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 54(11), 905-915.
Iadarola, S., Hetherington, S., Clinton, C., Dean, M., Reisinger, E., Huynh, L., Locke, J., Conn, K., Heinert, S., Kataoka, S., Harwood, R., Smith, T., Mandell, D. S., & Kasari, C. (2015). Services for children with autism spectrum disorder in three, large urban school districts: Perspectives of parents and educators. Autism, 19(6), 694-703.
Lee, B., Smith, T., & Paciorkowski, A. R. (2015). Autism spectrum disorder and epilepsy: Disorders with a shared biology. Epilepsy & Behavior, 47, 191-201.
Smith, T., & Iadarola, S. (2015). Evidence base update for autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 44(6), 897-922.
Smith, T., Klorman, R., & Mruzek, D. (2015). Predicting outcome of community-based early intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43(7), 1271-1282.
Strain, J., Yeates, A. J., van Wijngaarden, E., Thurston, S. W., Mulhern, M. S., McSorley, E. M., Watson, G. E., Love, T. M., Smith, T. H., Yost, K., Harrington, D., Shamlaye, C. F., Henderson, J., Myers, G. J., & Davidson, P. W. (2015). Prenatal exposure to methyl mercury from fish consumption and polyunsaturated fatty acids: Associations with child development at 20 months of age in an observational study in the Republic of Seychelles. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(3), 530-537.
Sham, E., & Smith, T. (2014). Publication bias in studies of an applied behavior-analytic intervention: An initial analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 47(3), 663-678.
Kasari, C., & Smith, T. (2013). Interventions in schools for children with autism spectrum disorder: Methods and recommendations. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 17(3), 254-267.
Smith T. (2013). Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention (LIFE). Behavior Analysis in Practice, 6(2), 78–79.
Smith, T. (2013). What is evidence-based behavior analysis? The Behavior Analyst, 36(1), 7-33.
van Wijngaarden, E., Davidson P. W., Smith, T. H., Evans, K., Yost, K., Love, T., Thurston, S., Watson, G. E., Zareba, G, Burns, C. M., Shamlaye, C. F., & Myers, G. J. (2013). Autism spectrum disorder phenotypes and prenatal exposure to methylmercury. Epidemiology, 24(5), 651-659.
Lopata, C. J., Thomeer, M. L., Volker, M. A., Lee, G. K., Smith, T. H., Rodgers, J. D., Smith, R. A., Gullo, G., McDonald, C. A., Mirwis, J., & Toomey, J. A. (2012). Open-trial pilot study of a comprehensive school-based intervention for high-functioning autism spectrum disorders. Remedial and Special Education, 34(5), 269-281.
Smith T. (2012). Evolution of research on interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Implications for behavior analysts. The Behavior Analyst, 35(1), 101–113.
Amin, S. B., Smith, T., & Wang, H. (2011). Is neonatal jaundice associated with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(11), 1455-1463.
Smith, T., & Eikeseth, S. O. (2011). Ivar Lovaas: Pioneer of applied behavior analysis and intervention for children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(3), 375-378.
Napolitano, D. A., Smith, T., Zarcone, J. R., Goodkin, K., & McAdam, D. B. (2010). Increasing response diversity in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43(2), 265-271.
Smith, T., Eikeseth, S., Sallows, G. O., & Graupner, T. D. (2009). Efficacy of applied behavior analysis in autism. The Journal of Pediatrics, 155(1), 151-152.
Smith, T. (2008). Empirically supported and unsupported treatments for autism spectrum disorders. Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, 6, 3-21.
Eikeseth, S., Smith, T., Jahr, E., & Eldevik, S. (2007). Outcome for children with autism who began intensive behavioral treatment between ages 4 and 7: A comparison controlled study. Behavior Modification, 31(3), 264-278.
Mruzek, D., Cohen, C., & Smith, T. (2007). Contingency contracting with students with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Disabilities, 19, 103-114.
Smith, T., Scahill, L., Dawson, G., Guthrie, D., Lord, C., Odom, S., Rogers, S., & Wagner, A. (2007). Designing research studies on psychosocial interventions in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(2), 354-366.
Cohen, H., Amerine-Dickens, M., & Smith, T. (2006). Early intensive behavioral treatment: Replication of the UCLA model in a community setting. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 27(2 Suppl), S145-155.
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Smith, T., Mruzek, D., Wheat, L. A., & Hughes, C. (2006). Error correction in discrimination training for children with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 21, 245-264.
Beglinger, L. & Smith, T. (2005). Concurrent validity of social subtype and IQ after early intensive behavioral intervention in children with autism: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35(3), 295-303.
Ferraioli, S., Hughes, C., & Smith, T. (2005). A model for problem solving in discrete trial training for children with autism. Journal of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention, 2, 224-246.
Lord, C., Wagner, A., Rogers, S., Szatmari, P., Aman, M., Charman, T., Dawson, G., Durand, V. M., Grossman, L., Guthrie, D., Harris, S., Kasari, C., Marcus, L., Murphy, S., Odom, S., Pickles, A., Scahill, L., Shaw, E., Siegel, B., … Yoder, P. (2005). Challenges in evaluating psychosocial interventions for autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35(6), 695-708.
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Citation for the original collection of tributes:
Celiberti, D., Halliday, P., Katz, J., Katz, M., Wright, S., Maurice, C., Dobel, K., Aldrich, J., Mruzek, D. & Larsson, E. V. (2018). Tributes to Dr. Tristram Smith. Science in Autism Treatment, 15(3), 2-15.