In this section of our website, you will find overviews (i.e., synopses) of published research articles related to autism and its treatment. We make every effort to share this information in a way that is accessible to individuals, families, teachers, and other service providers. Please note that most of the synopses are divided into sections that address five important questions:

    • Why research this topic?
    • What did the researchers do?
    • What did the researchers find?
    • What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
    • What do the results mean?

We hope these responses help you better understand the relative contributions of the individual study and how it fits into the broader picture of autism treatment research. You may also be interested in reading our treatment summaries which focus on a specific treatment and the available research underlying it.

If you would like to request that a particular study be reviewed by ASAT, please send us a PDF of the study. We will only consider published work in peer reviewed journals; however, please be advised that we may not be able to review all requests.

autism research synopses

Summaries Of Scientific Research On Interventions On Autism

Psychological, Educational, and Therapeutic Interventions

Biomedical Interventions

Procedures to Target Specific Skills/Behavioral Concerns for Individuals with Autism

Adolescents and Adults with Autism


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