David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA-D
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
ASAT was founded in 1998. As we begin our 27th year, we offer you 27 ways to support ASAT’s important work. Join us in furthering our mission by supporting our vital initiatives and helping us continue to deliver invaluable resources, such as our comprehensive website, informative monthly publication, Media Corner efforts, and Externship Program – all at no cost!
Please peruse this list and see how you may be able to assist our small, yet impactful, organization. With your help, we can keep science relevant, as individuals with autism and their families deserve nothing less.
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1) Like us on Facebook: Please like ASAT on Facebook and encourage others to do the same. This only takes a moment and creates valuable exposure for science-based autism treatments worldwide. As a follower on this platform, you can see updates from ASAT, read our Media Watch letters and alerts, learn about website expansion, and get information about past and future issues of Science in Autism Treatment. We welcome your active participation and encourage you to post comments and share content with your colleagues and friends on Facebook.
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2) Follow us on Instagram: ASAT is now on Instagram with the continued mission of sharing information about autism and its treatment! Posts include information about our monthly publication (Science in Autism Treatment), WebsiteWednesday posts, FlashbackFriday posts, an array of memes, quotations, and even monthly fortune cookie messages!
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3) Follow us on LinkedIn: Follow ASAT on LinkedIn and share our posts. We regularly highlight articles and other items of interest. Please stay tuned in the year ahead as we build our page, connect with many of you, and learn how to best share our resources with the LinkedIn community.
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4) Follow us on X (formerly Twitter): Follow ASAT on X and share/retweet our posts. We regularly send out tweets notifying all followers about news from ASAT including notifications about our latest issue of Science in Autism Treatment, tweets directing followers to articles and other items of interest. Please join our efforts to acquire new followers by reposting/retweeting and encouraging all your social contacts to do the same.
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5) Share our newsletter with friends and family: Email ASAT’s “Subscribe now” link to friends and colleagues and encourage them to sign up for our free, informative monthly publication, Science in Autism Treatment (SIAT). Between 2009 and 2018 we published over 40 quarterly issues and between 2019 and 2024 we published 72 monthly issues. We have almost 13,000 subscribers in all 50 states and 100 countries. Archived issues of our newsletter can be found here (over 100 issues)!
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6) Help us get new subscribers: Help put our newsletter in the hands of more people. More specifically, we can gain new newsletter subscribers when you bring this handy sign-up sheet to your workplace, partner agencies, or meetings. You can scan completed sheets and send them via email to dceliberti@asatonline.org or mail to:
ASAT Subscriber Drive
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7) Share specific pages from our website (www.asatonline.org): Did you know you can share specific pages from our website? Whether you are a parent, a medical or educational professional, or a member of the media who needs to be savvy when reporting on an autism-related story, our website is full of valuable information. At the bottom of every page, we make it easy to disseminate knowledge through a variety of social media platforms and to share with everyone in your community, as well as nationally or internationally. Through sharing science-based treatment information with others you may change the life of an individual with autism in significant and meaningful ways. Science matters!!!
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8) Further our Global Impact: You can help us reach out to more subscribers outside of the United States by distributing translated flyers about our newsletter or website. Please also note the Google language translation option in the upper right-hand corner of our webpage. Click here if you want step-by-step directions on how to use this feature on our website.
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9) Translate for Us: We have flyers about our website and our monthly publication, Science in Autism Treatment, in over 20 languages including Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Serbian, and Spanish to name a few. If you would like to assist us with other translations, please send us an email.
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10) Tell others about ASAT: You can help spread ASAT’s message of the importance of science in the treatment of autism. At your next professional event or training, include a slide about ASAT at the end of your presentation or distribute our sign-up sheets for our free monthly publication, Science in Autism Treatment. If you are involved in teaching at the graduate or undergraduate level and want to learn more about how ASAT can support your course offerings, please visit our teaching faculty page, and specifically our list of activities for students.
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11) Help us reach others by displaying ASAT materials: Display our posters, flyers, or other promotional materials in your workplace or other venues, such as coffee shops and bookstores. Doing so will spread the word about ASAT and the importance of science in the treatment of autism. Think about how many passersby may benefit from seeing ASAT’s message. If you are interested in distributing our materials, please write to us at info@asatonline.org.
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12) Help us reach the medical practitioners in your area: Be a proud supporter of our mission by distributing ASAT’s information flyers to medical providers and educators in your community. Take some to your next doctor’s appointment and be sure to share with your own medical team. If you are interested in sharing material specifically designed for physicians, please send us an email and peruse our list of articles of interest to medical professionals. If you are a medical provider, we created a short list of ways you can support us as well.
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13) Help us reach teachers: Many of you have contact with general education and special education teachers. Please learn about how ASAT can support teachers and peruse our list of articles of interest to teachers. If you are a teacher, we created a short list of ways teachers can support us.
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14) Help us reach college and university students: We are calling on undergraduate and graduate level teaching faculty to help prepare the next generation of science-minded professionals. Please learn about how ASAT can support your work as a faculty member and peruse our list of activities for students. |
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15) Volunteer with us: Do you have some time to offer our organization? ASAT’s success rests on the volunteer service of family members, professionals, and community members, as well as autistic individuals themselves. Consider volunteering. If you are interested, please visit our Volunteer page.
“Working with ASAT has been a great experience. I’ve had the opportunity to use my strengths and build upon them by writing articles, learning about grant applications, and collaborating with other team members. Most of all, my experience has enhanced my skepticism and ability to look for the facts related to autism treatment.” – Alice Walkup (Los Angeles, California).
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16) Extern with us: Looking for a structured, meaningful, and well-rounded opportunity to help keep science at the forefront of conversations about autism treatment? And participate from home? Please check out our 150-hour Externship. If you are interested, please visit our Externship page.
“I joined ASAT as an Extern right as I was beginning a graduate certificate program in applied behavior analysis. The Externship tasks and activities have led me to be a better-rounded and better-informed professional in the fields of special education and autism intervention. I have been able to gain more extensive experience in the areas of social media and writing for professional and lay audiences, areas that I specified an interest in at the outset of my Externship. The wonderful aspect of this Externship program is that you can really tailor it to fit your interests personally and professionally.” (Alice Bravo, Charlottesville, Virginia).
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17) Share our memes: Shareable graphics are just one more way for ASAT to spread awareness and information about key considerations in the science-based treatment of autism. We have created a large and growing collection of memes that you can pass on to your friends, colleagues, and clients to make it easy for you to join us in sharing the importance of science in autism treatment. The memes are designed to be informative, engaging, and humorous, while also exemplifying the values and mission of ASAT. We currently have memes, holiday themed messages, and fortune cookie images, as well as numerous graphics translated into Spanish, French, and Arabic. Check out our memes below and feel free to share them on your favorite social media platforms. We only ask that you do not alter them in any way. |
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18) Got talent? We specifically welcome help from those with skills and expertise in graphic design, marketing, Google Ads, fundraising, donation solicitation, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and X. Do you consider yourself a social influencer? Help us communicate our information more broadly! If interested, please contact Dr. David Celiberti at dceliberti@asatonline.org.
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19) Donate and receive a tax deduction: Do you or someone you know need an end of the year tax deduction? Please encourage friends, family members, and colleagues to donate to the Association for Science in Autism Treatment. Donations of any amount are deeply appreciated. These funds will support a wide array of important initiatives including the development and distribution of content about evidence-based treatment for children and adults with autism. Donations can easily be made online through PayPal or by mail.
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20) Seek out a match for your charitable donations: Does your employer match charitable donations? Please consider approaching your employer to find out if your company can match your donation to ASAT. Some employers even make contributions that are twice as much as your individual donation! ASAT would be happy to provide information to your employer or complete applications for matching contributions. Please send requests to donate@asatonline.org.
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21) Pledging Your Birthday/Holiday/Milestone: Several people have pledged their birthdays or other holiday inviting friends and family to make donations in any amount to ASAT. These campaigns have enabled a broader array of individuals to learn more about ASAT and why our mission and values are important. If you are interested, the simple steps to setting this up can be found here.
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22) Give with Bing: How many times do you search the internet each day? For every search you do, you could be earning points that Microsoft translates into a donation to ASAT! With Microsoft’s Give with Bing program, it’s incredibly easy to support ASAT by simply using Bing as your search engine. You can earn even more points by playing games on an Xbox or making purchases at the Microsoft Store! If you read our newsletter, share our resources, or believe in our mission, please sign up today for Give with Bing and select ASAT.
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23) Display an ASAT Donation Jar: Do you have or know a business that can display an ASAT Donation Jar? Showcase an ASAT donation jar at various business establishments to help educate consumers and raise money to support our mission. You can even place a donation jar in your own workplace! ASAT will provide the materials needed (donation jars, an ASAT information card for the jar, business cards, and signage) for any participating business. You can read newsletter articles about participating businesses on our fundraising page. Your business could get publicized in the ASAT newsletter, too!
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24) Become a sponsor: Show your support for ASAT and enjoy the benefits of being a sponsor, including recognition, social media exposure and newsletter advertisements! We have two types of sponsorship options, each with several levels that provide various incentives to sponsor ASAT: professional sponsors and community sponsors. Please encourage your supervisor or service provider to consider sponsorship.
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25) Advertise with us: ASAT accepts advertising for the ASATonline.org website, newsletter, and other ASAT publications to offset its operational expenses. Advertising may represent a way for your business to support ASAT while having the opportunity to also promote your organization. To learn more, please click here. Please be advised that products or services accepted for advertisement by ASAT must be consistent with our mission to disseminate accurate, scientifically-sound information about autism and its treatment and to improve access to effective, science-based treatments for all people with autism. Advertisers may complete the Advertising Applicationonline or print this version and mail.
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26) Hold a fundraising event at your workplace: You can build team morale and camaraderie by working together for a great cause (such as the importance of science in autism treatment!). By holding a fundraising event to support ASAT at your workplace you can demonstrate that commitment. It is easy to customize your fundraising event to reflect your workplace values and day-to-day activities. For instance, you can organize a bake sale. Some of our supporters have held “Dress Down Friday” and charged a donation fee to participate. If you would like more ideas or need help planning your event, contact us by email today at donate@asatonline.org.
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27) Host a Paper Icon Drive: Paper icon initiatives have been successful in banks, retail stores, coffee shops, etc., and typically involve customers making a small donation and placing their name on a paper icon which may be displayed on a wall. ASAT can provide the paper icons for your business to sell at the register(s) for a designated time frame chosen by the business. Icons can be sold for $1 or the customer can donate at an amount of their choice. April is Autism Awareness month, but a paper icon campaign can be launched any time throughout the year. If you would like to support this effort, please contact us at donate@asatonline.org.
We hope one or more of the ideas above resonates with you. Have a different idea? Reach out to us by sending an email to Dr. David Celiberti, Executive Director at dceliberti@asatonline.org.