Here you will find reviews of several useful books related to autism and its treatment. In addition, you will find summaries of some available resources.
Autism Treatment Considerations
- A review of Use of Practice Guidelines and Position Statements in Ethical Decision Making
- A review of the website
- A review of Interrogating neurotypical bias in Facilitated Communication, Rapid Prompting Method, and Spelling 2 Communicate through a humanistic lens
- A review of Questions to ask facilitators and yourself while observing FC/S2C/RPM sessions
- A review of Countering Evidence Denial and the Promotion of Pseudoscience in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- A review of The Persistence of Fad Interventions in the Face of Negative Scientific Evidence
- A review of The Complete Guide to Autism Treatments 2nd Edition
- A review of Do you believe in magic?
Evidence-based Practice
- A review of The Jigsaw Puzzle of Fraudulent Health Claims: Missing Psychological Pieces.
- A review of three commentaries authored by Dr. Scott Lilienfeld.
- A review of Why Many Clinical Psychologists are Resistant to Evidence-Based Practice: Root Causes and Constructive Remedies.
- A review of How to Spot Hype in the Field of Psychotherapy: A 19-item Checklist
Multidisciplinary Collaboration
- A review of Collaboration between behavior analysts and occupational therapists in autism service provision.
- A review of ABAI’s Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Between Behavior Analysts and Speech-Language Pathologists
Health Care Considerations
- A review of Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1 of 2)
- A review of Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 2 of 2)
- A review of Healthcare for Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Guide to Medical, Nutritional, and Behavioral Issues
- A review of Neurologica Blog
Parenting and Family Resources
- A review of Responsible and Responsive Parenting in Autism: Between Now and Dreams
- A review of Let’s Make a Contract.
- A review of Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide to Safety.
- A review of the September 26th Project.
- A review of Autism’s Declaration of Independence: Navigating Autism in the Age of Uncertainty.
- A review of Autism 24/7: A family guide to learning at home and in the community.
- A review of Autism: Start Here, What Families Need to Know (3rd Edition)
- A review of Autism and the Family: Understanding and Supporting Parents and Siblings
- A review of The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk
- A review of Life as an Autism Sibling
- A review of Elopement of Children with Autism: What We Know, Successful Interventions, and Practical Tips for Parents and Caregivers
- A review of Life Journey Through Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Research
- A review of Blessed with Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Securing Financial Support for the Treatment of Children with Autism
- A review of The Power of Positive Parenting
- A review of ABAI Autism Special Interest Group Consumer Guidelines
Applied Behavior Analysis
- Resource Review: The Council of Autism Service Providers
- Resource review: ACQ Applied Behavior Analysis Accreditation Program Standards & Guide
- A review of Organizational Behavior Management Approaches for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Book Review: Writing skills for behavior analysts
- A review of Promoting Functional Communication within the Home
- A review of ABA for SLPs
- A review of Bx Blueprint by How to ABA
- A review of Practical ABA Modules
- A review of The Function Wheels
- A review of Teaching social skills to people with autism: Best practices in individualizing interventions
- A review of Concerns about ABA-based intervention: An evaluation and recommendations
- A review of Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- A review of Can There be Compassion Without Assent? A Nonlinear Constructional Approach
- An overview of ABA Ultimate Showdown Podcasts for Round 1 (IISCA vs. Traditional FA)
- A review of Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism: An Introduction, by S. Buchanan and M. J. Weiss
- A review of ABA Tools of the Trade: Easy Data Collection for the Classroom
- A review of Broccoli Boot Camp: Basic Training for Parents of Selective Eaters
- A review of The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs
- A review of The Website for the B. F. Skinner Foundation
- A review of Activity Schedules for Children with Autism: Teaching Independent Behavior
- A review of Punishment on Trial
- A review of Focus on Behavior Analysis in Education: Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities
- A review of Training Practitioners to Evaluate Evidence About Interventions
- A review of Discrete-trials Teaching with Children with Autism: A Self-Instruction Manual
- A review of Unwrapping the Gifts of Independence and Choice – A Review of Activity Schedules for Children with Autism: Teaching Independent Behavior
- A review of When everybody cares: Case studies of ABA with people with Autism
- A review of Compassionate Care in Behavior Analytic Treatment
Adults and Transition
- A review of OAR’s Hire Autism
- A review of Journey to Community Housing with Supports
- A review of Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum
- A review of Adults with Autism: The Journey Home
- A review of Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide for Transition to Adulthood
- A review of Working in the Community: A Guide for Employers of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- A review of Transition Resources for Adolescents and Adults with Autism
- A review of Aging Out (documentary)