- 37th Annual Autism New Jersey Conference October 17-18, 2019
- A Non-exhaustive List of Previously Published but Relevant ASAT Articles of Interest to SLPs
- A Spotlight on Science in Autism Treatment
- Adult Autism Research: A Note of Congratulations
- Advertising Confirmation
- ASAT Brings Twitter Back
- ASAT Launches Instagram Page
- ASAT Logos
- ASAT response to “Applied Behavior Analysis, autism, and occupational therapy: a search for understanding”
- Autism Awareness Means Helping Families Access Effective Help! A Fundraiser for ASAT hosted by the Goose and Gold Coast Children’s Center
- Autism Research & Treatment
- Book and Resource Reviews
- A review of Bx Blueprint: A Video Library of ABA Fundamentals from How to ABA
- A review of Different Roads’ Practical ABA Modules
- A Review of Journey to Community Housing with Supports: A Road Map for Individuals and Their Families in New Jersey
- A Review of OAR’s Hire Autism
- A review of Organizational Behavior Management Approaches for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- A review of Promoting Functional Communication within the Home
- A review of ABAI’s Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Between Behavior Analysts and Speech-Language Pathologists
- A review of Autism 24/7: A family guide to learning at home and in the community
- A Review of Autism: Start Here, What Families Need to Know (3rd Edition)
- A review of Autism’s Declaration of Independence: Navigating Autism in the Age of Uncertainty
- A review of Compassionate Care in Behavior Analytic Treatment
- A review of Concerns About ABA-Based Intervention: An Evaluation and Recommendations
- A review of Countering Evidence Denial and the Promotion of Pseudoscience in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- A Review of Healthcare for Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Guide to Medical, Nutritional, and Behavioral Issues
- A review of Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1 of 2)
- A review of Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 2 of 2)
- A review of Life as an Autism Sibling
- A review of of the website
- A Review of Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- A review of Teaching social skills to people with autism: Best practices in individualizing interventions
- A Review of The Complete Guide to Autism Treatments
- A Review of The Complete Guide to Autism Treatments (2nd edition)
- A review of The Power of Positive Parenting
- A review of The September 26th Project: Turning Tragedy into Action
- A Review of Training Practitioners to Evaluate Evidence About Interventions
- A Review of Transition Resources for Adolescents and Adults with Autism
- A review of Use of Practice Guidelines and Position Statements in Ethical Decision Making
- ABA for SLPs: Interprofessional Collaboration for Autism Support Teams
- ABAI Autism Special Interest Group Consumer Guidelines
- Aging Out: A Review of a Documentary by Melissa Collins-Porter
- Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism: An Introduction
- Book review : Broccoli Boot Camp: Basic Training for Parents of Selective Eaters
- Book review : The Training Curriculum for Supervisors of ABA Technicians in Autism Programs
- Book review of ABA Tools of the Trade: Easy Data Collection for the Classroom
- Can There be Compassion Without Assent? A Nonlinear Constructional Approach.
- Discrete-Trials Teaching With Children With Autism: A Self-Instructional Manual. Canada: Hugo Science Press.
- Overview of ABA Ultimate Showdown Podcasts for Round 1 (IISCA vs. Traditional FA)
- Resource Review : The Website for the B. F. Skinner Foundation
- Review of Adults with Autism: The Journey Home
- Review of Autism and the Family: Understanding and Supporting Parents and Siblings
- Review of Collaboration between behavior analysts and occupational therapists in autism service provision: Bridging the gap.
- Review of Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum
- Review of How to Spot Hype in the Field of Psychotherapy: A 19-Item Checklist and What It Means for the Autism Community
- Review of Interrogating Neurotypical bias in Facilitated Communication, Rapid Prompting Method, and Spelling 2 Communicate Through a Humanistic Lens
- Review of Let’s Make a Contract
- Review of Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide for Transition to Adulthood
- Review of Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide to Safety
- Review of Life Journey Through Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Research
- Review of Punishment on Trial
- Review of Responsible and Responsive Parenting in Autism: Between Now and Dreams
- Review of The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk
- Review of The Function Wheels
- Review of The Jigsaw Puzzle of Fraudulent Health Claims: Missing Psychological Pieces
- Review of The Persistence of Fad Interventions in the Face of Negative Scientific Evidence: Facilitated Communication for Autism as a Case Example
- Review of Why Many Clinical Psychologists are Resistant to Evidence-Based Practice: Root Causes and Constructive Remedies
- Review of Questions to Ask Facilitators and Yourself While Observing FC/S2C/RPM Sessions
- Scott Lilienfeld: A Collection of Three Commentaries
- Shining a spotlight on the NeuroLogica Blog: The importance of data-based science
- The Autism Commission on Quality Applied Behavior Analysis Accreditation Program Standards & Guide
- The Council of Autism Service Providers:
A Comprehensive Look at CASP’s Initiatives and Resources - Unwrapping the Gifts of Independence and Choice – A Review of Activity Schedules for Children with Autism: Teaching Independent Behavior
- When Everybody Cares: Case Studies of ABA with People with Autism
- Writing Skills for Behavior Analysts: A Practical Guide for Students and Clinicians
- Clinical Corner
- A Comparative Look at School-Based and Center-Based ABA Programs
- Advocating For Your Child
- Assisting Pediatricians to Recognize Deficits in Their Infants and Toddlers That May Indicate a Diagnosis of ASD
- BCBA Received, Now What?
- Bolting and Neighborhood Safety
- Bowel Training
- Building Rapport with Students using Specific Strategies to Promote Pairing
- Can Psychotropic Medications Be Safely Reduced?
- Catatonia in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Clinical Corner: Leisure Skills for Adults with Autism
- Clinical Corner: Setting Up the Classroom to Optimize Learning Opportunities and Effective Instruction
- Clinical Corner: What are some adaptive skills for a young adult to gain independence?
- Cooperating with Dental Exams
- Defining and Assessing Quality of Life as an Outcome for Adults with Autism
- Develop Goals for the Future
- Discussing Concerns with Family Members
- Does ABA Work for Older Children?
- Early Detection and Intervention
- Educating for Inclusion
- Encouraging Parent Participation in Home-Based Intervention
- Ethics and Evidence-based Practice
- Evidence-based telehealth practice in the time of COVID-19
- Expanding Interest
- Explaining Applied Behavior Analysis to Parents and Colleagues
- Explaining Decision to Use Science-based Autism Treatments
- First Responder Education in Autism
- Food Selectivity
- How Can ABA Providers Empower Caregivers for Successful Collaboration?
- How Can Caregivers Address Common Toilet Training Barriers?
- How Can Caregivers Best Support Their Infant’s Needs Through Natural Interactions?
- How can families of individuals with Rett Syndrome plan for care as their child ages?
- How Can Health Informatics Support Our Work?
- How Can I Structure Playdates for Success?
- How can I teach my son to cooperate with wearing a face mask?
- How can I teach telephone skills at home?
- How do Caregivers Begin Transition Planning for Children With Autism?
- How do I choose the right data collection method?
- How do self-injurious behaviors develop?
- How do you figure out what motivates your students?
- How do you promote autonomy while supporting a healthy lifestyle in young adults with autism?
- How likely is it that I could have another child with autism?
- How to Manage the Impact of Child With Autism on Siblings
- Improving Food Selectivity of Children With Autism
- Increasing articulation
- Integrating ABA and Speech Pathology
- Is a BCBA the right professional to help with my child’s sensory issues?
- Is it Possible for People with Intellectual Disabilities to Increase Communication Skills in Adulthood?
- Learning to Manage Feminine Hygiene Needs
- Managing a Home-Based ABA Program
- Measuring Social Skills Goals
- Mouthing Objects
- Multidisciplinary Collaboration in the Establishment of Oral Hygiene Habits
- My child is enrolled in an ABA-based program where he also receives some OT services. How can occupational therapy benefit my child’s ABA program?
- My child is home with me. Any suggestions for home schooling?
- Preparation for Employment
- Preparing Adults with Autism for Employment Success
- Preparing to Speak with a Doctor About Medication
- Preventing and Addressing Bullying
- Problem Behavior Triggered by Specific Words
- Productive Meetings in Home ABA Programs
- Promoting Success in the Community
- Recurrence of Autism in Families – Detailed
- Reducing Constipation Medications in Clients with Intellectual Disabilities
- Regulating Sleep
- Targeting Sexuality
- Teaching an 18-Month-Old with Autism
- Teaching Children with Autism To Attend Religious Services
- Teaching Game Playing to Children With Autism
- Teaching Safety Skills to Adolescents
- Toilet-Training
- Transition Planning as it Relates to Challenging Behaviors: Matching the Individual to the Right Setting for Adult Services
- Understanding the Needs of Black Families of Children with Autism
- What about maintenance programs?
- What are some considerations surrounding the initiation and fading of gastrostomy tubes?
- What are some essential skills in a COVID-19 era?
- What are Some Ethical and Practical Considerations when Collaborating with Nonbehavioral Service Providers?
- What are some language considerations when working with bilingual families?
- What are Some Simple Evidence-based Strategies for Teaching Emotion Regulation in the School Setting?
- What are the Benefits of an Integrated Approach when Addressing Complex Medical and Behavioral Needs?
- What Can I Expect from a Quality ABA Program?
- What goes into teaching children to answer WH questions?
- What information should I get from the teacher and what can we do to promote carryover during this extended period of home schooling?
- What input can be provided to the school following an extended period of home schooling?
- What is Functional Communication Training?
- What is involved in an early intensive ABA program for autism?
- What is the High Probability Instruction Sequence and how can it help increase responsiveness to everyday tasks?
- What is the Importance of Engagement When Working with Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities and Autism?
- What is the Relationship Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disability?
- What is VB (Verbal Behavior)? Is it different from ABA, and does my child need it to learn language?
- What’s a good way to teach social skills, especially in a group?
- When should a functional analysis be done and who should do it?
- When should parents be included in the implementation of a behavior intervention plan?
- Conferences
- Evaluating Autism Research
- Interviews
- A Mother’s Reflections on Diagnosis, Advocacy, and Action: An Interview with Aboli Jadhav
- A Non-Exhaustive List of Select Publications by Dr. Scott Lilienfeld
- An Interview with Alexandra Penzi
- An interview with Andrew Kavchak, Father and Advocate
- An Interview with Devon Sundberg, MS, BCBA
- An Interview with Dr. Francesca degli Espinosa
- An Interview with Dr. Stephen Eversole
- An Interview with Dr. Suzanne Buchanan
- An Interview with Dr. Todd Harris and Amanda Duffy
- An interview with Dr. Vincent Winterling, SIAT Co-Editor and Advisory Board Member
- An Interview with Drs. Amanda Laprime and Deborah Napolitano
- An Interview with Drs. Carl Sundberg and Genae Hall
- An Interview with Erick Dubuque, PhD, LBA, BCBA-D, Director of the Autism Commission on Quality (ACQ)
- An Interview with Erika Gleeson, Founder and Director of Autism Swim
- An Interview with Jane Asher, Actress, Advocate, and Entrepreneur
- An Interview with Jane McCready, ABAA4All
- An Interview with Laura Grow, PhD, BCBA-D, Board Member
- An Interview with Mary Rosswurm, Bill Bower and Michele Trivedi of the Little Star Center
- An Interview with Melmark’s Executive Leadership Team
- An Interview with Purnima Hernandez, DDS, MA, BCBA
- An Interview with Rita Gardner
- An Interview with Thuong Ho, MA, BCBA of Vietnam
- An Interview with Xueyi Deng, BCBA (China)
- Been There, Succeeded at That: An Interview with Eli Allen Sharing His Experiences with ABA as a Child
- Celebrating Aboli Jadhav, BE
- Celebrating Brizida Vinjau, MS, BCBA
- Celebrating Caroline Simard, MS, BCBA
- Celebrating Kaitlyn Evoy, MS
- Celebrating Kerry Ann Conde, PhD, BCBA-D
- Celebrating Kimberly Marshall, PhD, BCBA-D
- Celebrating Marcia Questel, MSEd, BCBA
- Celebrating Sunita Chhatwani, MSc, MEd
- Celebrating the Diverse Contributions of Dr. Scott Lilienfeld
- Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Tristram Smith
- Expanding Equitable Access to Services for Individuals with Autism: An Interview with Rita Gardner
- Facilitate That: Part II of a Two-Part Interview with Dr. James Todd
- Facilitate This: Part I of a Two-Part Interview with Dr. James Todd
- International Interview Dr. Eitan Eldar
- International Interview: Paul McDonnell, PhD
- Interview with a Board Member: Daniel W. Mruzek, PhD, BCBA-D
- Interview with ASAT’s Leigh Broughan, Sam’s Sister
- Interview with BACA President, Carl Sundberg, PhD, BCBA-D
- Interview with Barbara McLeod, Mom of Alex, from The Canine Kitchen Co.
- Interview with Barbara Wells
- Interview with Beverley Sharpe, Mother of Allison
- Interview with Bill Heward, EdD BCBA-D
- Interview with Catherine Maurice, PhD, Parent, Author, and Founding Board Member of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment
- Interview with Christina Danos, Founder of Kettlebells 4 Autism
- Interview with Dr. Bobby Newman
- Interview with Dr. Cyndy Hayes
- Interview with Dr. Joyce Elizabeth Mauk
- Interview with Dr. Lina Slim
- Interview with Dr. Michelle Kelly: Part 1 of 2
- Interview with Dr. Michelle Kelly: Part 2 of 2
- Interview with Dr. Mickey Keenan
- Interview With Dr. Sabrina Freeman, Parent, Author, and Advocate
- Interview with Dr. Stephen Barrett, Quackwatch Founder
- Interview with Eileen Lamb, Mother and Advocate
- Interview with Elizabeth Neumann, MA, BCaBA from Autism New Jersey (2012)
- Interview with Joe Forgione
- Interview with Kaidi Zhou and Julie Liu of MyStar ABA (China)
- Interview with Kathleen Moran
- Interview with Linda Meyer, EdD, MPA, BCBA-D, and Jeff Jacobs, MA, BCBA
- Interview with Mary Beth Walsh
- Interview with Molly Ola Pinney, Founder and CEO of the Global Autism Project
- Interview with Nicole Rogerson
- Interview with Pam Browne from BroJoe
- Interview with Peggy Halliday, MEd, BCBA
- Interview with Pooja Panesar
- Interview with Porscia Lam, Mother and Author
- Interview With Preeti Chojar, MCA, ASAT Board Member and Mom to Ravi
- Interview with Robyn Schneider, Author and Mother of Twins with Autism
- Interview with Tom Zane, PhD and Suzanne Letso, MA, BCBA
- Interview with Tracie Lindblad, MSc, MEd, SLP, BCBA
- Interview with Tristram Smith
- Occupational Therapists Discussing Their Journeys with ABA: Part I
- Occupational Therapists Discussing Their Journeys with ABA: Part II
- Related Services in an ABA Setting: An interview with 3 members of the BACA team
- Remembering Joe Forgione, MBA
- Some Reflections on the Enduring Legacy of Dr. Jerry Shook (2021)
- Standing Up for Science on Parent Social Media
- Supporting Positive Portrayals of Science-based Autism Treatment in the Media: The Role of Professionals
- The Power of Early Intervention: An Inside Look with the Authors of Miracle of Effort: Thalia’s Autism Journey
- Tribute to Dr. Ivar Lovaas
- Tributes to Dr. Edward “Ted” Carr (Summer 2009)
- Tributes to Dr. Jerry Shook
- Tributes to Dr. Patricia J. Krantz
- Tributes to Dr. Stephen C. Luce
- Voices of Those Working with Adults with ASD: An Interview with Melmark Clinicians
- Where We Are and Where We Have Been: Successes and Challenges in ABA
- Making Sense of Autism Treatments: Weighing the Evidence
- ASAT Supports Proven Treatments and Informed Choice: A Reply to Bernard Rimland
- Does the MMR Vaccine cause autism?
- Pseudoscientific Therapies: Some Warning Signs
- Science, Pseudoscience and Antiscience
- Smart People Believe Weird Things
- What caused that?
- What is Evidence-Based Practice and Why Should We Care?
- Outside Resources
- Research Synopses
- A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Effects of Intervention Intensity and Intervention Style on Outcomes for Young Children with Autism
- A Parent-mediated Intervention to Increase Responsive Parental Behaviors and Child Communication in Children with ASD
- A precision teaching framework for improving mathematical skills of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- A Randomised Group Comparison of Parent Education and Skills Training Intervention
- A Randomized Comparison of the Effect of Two Prelinguistic Communication Interventions on the Acquisition of Spoken Communication in Preschoolers with ASD
- A Randomized Trial of Social Skills Groups at School
- A replication and extension of the PEERS® for Young Adults social skills intervention
- A Research Review of the Zones of Regulation Program
- A systematic review of early intensive intervention for autism spectrum disorders.
- Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and social skills groups at school: A randomized trial comparing intervention environment and peer composition
- An Evaluation of a Behaviorally Based Social Skills Group for Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on the Behavior of Children with Autism
- An intervention for sensory difficulties in children with autism: a randomized trial
- Assessing Generalization of PECS
- Atomoxetine, Parent Training and Their Combination in Children With Autism Spectrum and ADHD
- Brief report: Effect of a focused imitation intervention on social functioning in children with autism
- Caregiver-mediated intervention for low-resourced preschoolers with autism
- Change in Autism Core Symptoms with Intervention
- Changes in Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents with ASD Completing the PEERS® Social Skills Intervention
- Characteristics and Quality of Autism Websites
- Classroom Application of Functional Analysis
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Children with ASD
- Cognitive Enhancement Therapy
- Comments on Spreckley and Boyd (2009). Efficacy of applied behavioral intervention in preschool children with autism for improving cognitive, language, and adaptive behavior: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Communication Interventions for Minimally Verbal Children with Autism: A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial
- Community implementation of early behavioral intervention: Higher intensity gives better outcome
- Community-based Intensive Behavioral Intervention
- Comparative Efficacy of LEAP, TEACCH and Non-Model-Specific Special Education Programs for Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Comparing In-View to Out-of-View Stimulus Arrangements When Teaching Receptive Labels for Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Comparison of Behavioral Intervention and Sensory-Integration Therapy in the Treatment of Challenging Behavior
- Comparison of Verbal and Pictorial Naturalistic Communication Strategies on Spoken Language
- Comparisons of Functional Behavior Assessment Procedures to the Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior
- Competitive Employment for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Dental Desensitization for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Graduated Exposure, Reinforcement, and Reinforcement-Fading
- Double-blind Controlled Trial of Hyperbaric Treatment for Children with Autism
- Early Behavioral Intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism
- Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism
- Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention: Outcomes for Children with Autism and Their Parents After Two Years
- Early Intensive Behavioral Treatment: Replication of the UCLA Model in a Community Setting
- Effect of Parent Training vs. Parent Education
- Effectiveness of Sensory Integration Interventions in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
- Effects of an Individual Work System on the Independent Functioning of Students with Autism
- Effects of Improvisational Music Therapy on Joint Attention Behaviors
- Effects of Improvisational Music Therapy vs Enhanced Standard Care on Symptom Severity Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Effects of Video Modeling for Young Adults with Autism in Community Employment Settings
- Effects of video modeling on abduction-prevention skills by individuals with autism spectrum disorder
- Effects of Video Modeling with Video Feedback on Vocational Skills of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Effects of Weighted Vests on the Engagement of Children With Developmental Delays and Autism
- Efficacy of Low-Dose Buspirone for Restricted and Repetitive Behavior in Young Children with ASD
- EIBI in Community Settings: Public Preschool and Kindergarten
- Environment Enrichment as Treatment for Autism: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Epidemiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults in the Community in England
- Evaluating a Treatment without Extinction for Elopement Maintained by Access to Stereotypy
- Evaluating a Treatment without Extinction for Elopement Maintained by Access to Stereotypy
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of a School-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention for Anxiety in Adolescents Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Two Models of Applied Behavior Analysis in a Community-Based Setting for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Evaluating the Effects of Picture Exchange Communication System® Mediator Training via Telehealth Using Behavioral Skills Training and General Case Training
- Evaluation of an Immersive Virtual Reality Safety Training Used to Teach Pedestrian Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Evidence-Based Comprehensive Treatments for Early Autism
- Functional Communication Training for Toddlers At-Risk for Autism with Early Problem Behavior
- Harnessing Repetitive Behaviors to Engage Attention and Learning in a Novel Therapy for Autism: An Exploratory Analysis
- Implementing a Manualized, Classroom Transition Intervention
- Increasing appropriate conversation skills using a behavioral skills training package for adults with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder
- Intervening in Infancy: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Intervention targeting development of socially synchronous engagement in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder
- Interventions Targeting Expressive Communication Systems in Adults with ASD: A Systematic Review
- Joint attention and symbolic play in young children with autism: A randomized controlled intervention study
- Joint Attention Training for Children with Autism using Behavior Modification Procedures
- Lego Therapy: Building Social Skills for Adolescents with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Making the Connection: Randomized Controlled Trial of Social Skills at School for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Meta-Analysis of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism
- Multiple Effects of Joint Attention Intervention for Children with Autism
- Outcome of Comprehensive Psycho-educational Interventions for Young Children with Autism
- Outcomes of Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism in Mainstream Pre-School Settings
- Outcomes of children receiving Group-Early Start Denver Model in an inclusive versus autism-specific setting: A pilot randomized controlled trial
- Parent-Assisted Social Skills Training to Improve Friendships in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Parent-mediated intervention versus no intervention for infants at high risk of autism
- Parent-mediated social communication therapy for young children with autism (PACT)
- Pilot Study of a Parent Training Program for Young Children with Autism
- PLAY Project Home Consultation Intervention Program for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Control Trial
- Post-High School Service Use Among Young Adults With an Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Preschool Based JASPER Intervention in Minimally Verbal Children with Autism: Pilot RCT.
- Preschool-based social-communication treatment for children with autism: 12- month follow-up of a randomized trial
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Geographic Access to Autism Resources Across the US
- Randomized Controlled Trial of Hanen’s ‘More Than Words’ in Toddlers with Early Autism Symptoms
- Randomized Trial of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Children with Autism
- Randomized, Controlled Trial of an Intervention for Toddlers with Autism: The Early Start Denver Model
- Randomized, Controlled Trial of the LEAP Model of Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial of Methylphenidate in PDD with Hyperactivity
- Rapid Prompting Method and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Systematic Review Exposes Lack of Evidence
- RCT of a Manualized Social Treatment for High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Real Life Experience of Medical Cannabis Treatment in Autism: Analysis of Safety and Efficacy
- Remaking Recess intervention for improving peer interactions at school for children with autism spectrum disorder
- Review of “Lack of Efficacy of Cital in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and High Levels of Repetitive Behaviors”
- Review of The distance between empirically supported treatment and actual practice for paediatric feeding problems: An international clinical perspective
- Review of Comprehensive Synthesis of Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions for Young Children with Autism Based on the UCLA Young Autism Project Model
- Review of Medication and parent training in children with pervasive developmental disorders and serious behavior problems: Results from a randomized clinical trial
- Review of: Promoting Child-Initiated Social Communication in Children with Autism: Son-Rise Program® Intervention Effects
- School-based cognitive behavioural therapy targeting anxiety in children with autistic spectrum disorder: A quasi-experimental randomised controlled trial incorporating a mixed methods approach
- Symbolic Play in School-Aged Minimally Verbal Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Systematic Review of Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions for Children with Autism
- Teaching Children to Identify and Avoid Food Allergens using Behavioral Skills Training
- Teaching Children with Autism to Read for Meaning: Challenges and Possibilities
- Teaching Children with Autism to Respond to Joint Attention Initiations
- Teaching Complex Verbal Operants to Children with Autism Using the PEAK Curriculum
- Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Tolerate Haircutting
- The Effect of Oxytocin Nasal Spray on Social Interaction Deficits
- The effect of photographic activity schedules on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in children with autism spectrum disorder
- The Effect of Sensory Integration Therapy on Occupational Performance in Children with Autism.
- The Effectiveness of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) on Communication and Speech for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Meta-Analysis
- The Effects of an Escape Extinction Procedure Using Protective Equipment on Self-Injurious Behavior
- The gluten-free, casein-free diet in autism: Results of a preliminary double blind clinical trial
- The Real-World Effectiveness of Early Teaching Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- The Role of Treatment Fidelity on Outcomes During a Randomized Field Trial of an Autism Intervention
- The TEACCH program for children and adults with autism: A meta-analysis of intervention studies
- The Use and the Efficacy of Weighted Vests
- Third time’s the charm or three strikes you’re out? An updated review of the efficacy of dolphin‐assisted therapy for autism and developmental disabilities.
- Token‐economy‐based Contingency Management Increases Daily Steps in Adults with Developmental Disabilities
- Toward Meaningful Outcomes in Teaching Conversation and Greeting Skills with Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Towards an Understanding of the Essential Components of Behavior Analytic Service Plans
- Two Year Prospective Follow-up on Community-based EIBI
- Using a Picture Activity Schedule Treatment Package to Teach Toothbrushing to Children with ASD
- Using Behavior Analysis to Examine Outcome of Unproven Therapies: An Evaluation of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
- Using Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Peer Models: Effects on Interactive Play for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities
- Using Computerized Games to Teach Face Recognition Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Let’s Face It! Program
- Using Participant Data to Extend Evidence Base for Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism
- Research Synopses – Lifespan
- Resources
- A Mother’s Perspective
- My Child Was Just Diagnosed, Now What? A Non-exhaustive, Annotated List of Previously Published but Relevant ASAT Articles
- Opening Remarks by Dr. Catherine Maurice at ASAT’s 2000 Conference
- Suggested Reading
- The Bookshelf
- The Bookshelf – Books – Teenagers and Adults with ASD
- The Bookshelf – Books – Young Children with ASD
- Topical Articles
- A Horse of a Different Color: A Review of the Effectiveness of Hippotherapy
- AAC Apps
- Autism and Vaccines: The Evidence to Date
- Autism Treatment Reviews for Physicians
- Big Red Safety Tool Kit
- Changes to the DSM Autism Diagnostic Criteria
- Chelation Treatment for Children with Autism
- Identifying Applied Behavior Analysis Interventions
- Interventions for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and How Best to Evaluate their Effectiveness
- New CDC Autism Numbers Highlights the Need for Effective Treatment
- Putting a Dead Horse in a Weighted Vest: Another Review of Sensory Integration Training
- Qualifications of Practitioners/Consultants who Practice in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Resources for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice
- Review of Mortality in Autism Drowning
- Review of Randomized Control Trial of DIR/Floortime Therapy: “Learning through interaction in children with autism: Preliminary data from a social-communication-based intervention”
- The Autism Intervention Training Video Series
- Treatment Integrity: Why it is Important Regardless of Discipline
- What’s New in Research – Treating and Addressing Stereotypy
- Videos
- Book and Resource Reviews
- Autism Treatment
- Become a Sponsor
- Behavior Development Solutions: Much more than modules!
- Board of Directors
- Call for Posters: ANJ’s 37th Annual Conference (2019)
- Community Sponsors
- Conferences
- Continuing Ed Payment
- Current Supporters
- Direct Financial Support
- Disclaimer
- Donor Wall
- Donor Wall 2018
- Donor Wall 2019
- Donor Wall 2020
- Donor Wall 2021
- Donors Wall 2017
- Evaluations of scientific research need to be based on scientific approaches. A Reply
- Externship Program
- For Behavior Analysts
- For Educators
- For Media Professionals
- About Media Watch
- Autism Resources for Journalists: Ten Websites Supporting Science Journalism
- Canadian Radio Interview with Dr. David Celiberti about science-based treatment (2012)
- Compilation of Letters to the Editor on Time Magazine Articles, June 7, 2006
- Letter from Bridget Taylor, PsyD, BCBA
- Letter from Catherine Maurice, PhD. Author
- Letter from David Celiberti, PhD, BCBA, President of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment
- Letter from Nicole Dibra, mother of child with autism
- Letter from Sharon A. Reeve, PhD, BCBA, Vice President of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment
- Letter from Sharon A. Reeve, PhD, BCBA, Vice President of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment (long letter)
- Dr. David Celiberti discusses science based treatment (2012)
- FAQs for the Media
- Five Principles of Ethical Journalism: Implications for Media Representations of Autism Treatment
- How ASAT Supports Journalists
- How Can We Help You?
- Letter from Stan Sugrue, grandfather of child with autism
- Media Representations of the Behavior Analytic Treatment of Autism: Highlighting a Decade of ASAT’s Efforts to Promote Accuracy
- Our Media Watch Letters
- Some Questions to Ask Before Writing The Next Story about Autism Treatment
- For Medical Professionals
- For Parents and Educators
- A Non-Exhaustive List of Apps
- A Non-Exhaustive List of Safety Products
- Autism Diagnosis
- Becoming a Savvy Consumer/Educator
- A Non-Exhaustive List of Current Position Statements Related to Autism Treatment
- An Overview of Internal Validity: Was it Really the Treatment that Made a Difference?
- Antecedent-Based Interventions: Is There Science Behind That?
- Art Therapy: Is There Science Behind That?
- ASD Intervention: How Do We Measure Effectiveness?
- Autism Treatment in the Media
- Avoiding the Pitfalls of Circular Reasoning
- Can Scientists Prove That a Treatment Does Not Work? And… Is Bigfoot Real?
- Caveat Lector: Let the Reader Beware
- CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.”
- Considerations when Choosing a Behavioral Service Provider
- Coping with COVID-19: A non-exhaustive, annotated list of previously published but relevant ASAT articles
- Description of the Treatment Team
- Determining the Effectiveness of Treatments Available to Persons with Autism – Part One
- Determining the Effectiveness of Treatments Available to Persons with Autism – Part Two
- EEG Neurofeedback and Autism: Is There Science Behind That?
- Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Is There Science Behind That?
- Focus on the Treatment Team: Applied Behavior Analysis
- Focus on the Treatment Team: Occupational Therapy
- Focus on the Treatment Team: Physical Therapy
- Focus on the Treatment Team: Speech-Language Therapy
- How to Obtain Health Insurance Coverage for Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder Under New Jersey Law
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:
Is There Science Behind That? - Is There Science Behind That?
Facilitated Communication - Is There Science Behind That?
Relationship Development Intervention - Is There Science Behind That? Autism and Complementary Alternative Medicine
- Is There Science Behind That? Autism Service Dogs
- Is There Science Behind That? Bleach Therapy
- Is There Science Behind That? Brain Balance
- Is There Science Behind That? Gluten-Free and Casein-Free Diets
- Is There Science Behind That?: Nutrients to Support Speech Development
- Is There Science Behind That?: Autism and Treatment with DIR/Floortime
- Is There Science Behind That?: Autism and Treatment with Marijuana
- Is There Science Behind That?: Blood Pressure Drug
- Is There Science Behind That?: Early Start Denver Model
- Is There Science Behind That?: Fecal Microbial Transplantation
- Is There Science Behind That?: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- It Takes a Village to Stand for Science: Showcasing Some Allies
- Mindfulness: Is There Science Behind That?
- Questions to Ask Marketers of Autism Interventions
- Regression to the Mean: Expand Your Science Knowledge
- Resources for Kids
- Retraction of Published Research
- Science Corner: History as a Threat to Internal Validity
- Science Corner: Infidelity as a Threat to Internal Validity
- Science Corner: Instrumentation as a Threat to Internal Validity
- Science Corner: Maturation as a threat to internal validity
- Science Corner: Multiple Treatment Interference as a Threat to Internal Validity
- Sensory Diets: Is There Science Behind That?
- Social Thinking: Is There Science Behind That?
- Some Cautions on the Exclusive Use of Standardized Assessments in Recovery-Oriented Treatment
- Some Websites and Online Resources for Parents
- Spelling to Communicate: Is There Science Behind That?
- Standing for Science Takes a Village – An International One
- Stem Cell Therapy for Autism: Is There Science Behind That?
- Strategies to Consider When Conducting a Comprehensive Literature Search
- Ten Resources for Consumers to Evaluate Information Sources
- The Crucial Role of Replication in Scientific Validation and Identification of Evidence-based Practices
- The Picture Exchange Communication System: Is There Science Behind That?
- The Pitfalls of Testimonials
- The Road Less Traveled: Charting a Clearer Course in Autism Treatment (Published in 2003)
- The Son-Rise Program®: Is There Science Behind That?
- Understanding the Review Process of Peer-Reviewed Research Articles
- Underwater Basket Weaving Therapy for Autism:
Don’t Laugh! ……It Could Happen - Updated Resources for Promoting Dental Hygiene and Success at the Dentist
- Vitamin D Supplementation: Is There Science Behind That?
- You Got this!: Resources to Help Parents of Children with Autism Navigate the IEP Process
- Zones of Regulation: Is There Science Behind That?
- “Verification” and the Peer Review Process
- Books relevant to autism and its treatment across the lifespan
- Comorbidity in Autism
- Guidance, Advocacy & Education
- Applying Science to Education
- Autism for Public School Administrators: What You Need To Know
- Blessed with Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Securing Financial Support for the Treatment of Children with Autism
- Coping with COVID-19: An annotated list of resources for families of individuals with ASD
- Diagnosis: Autism – A Family’s Journey to Obtain Effective Treatment
- Excellence in Special Education
- Guidance
- Hello Again, Teacher! A Review Of Focus On Behavior Analysis In Education: Achievements, Challenges, And Opportunities
- Jane Asher: Actress, Philanthropist, Supporter of Science
- Lifespan Suggested Articles
- ABA for Older Learners
- Adventures in Driving
- Annotated Resources: Bullying
- Facing the Future with Serenity
- How ASAT Supports Parents of Older Children and Adults
- Lifespan Outside Resources
- Lifespan Resources From the Web
- Looking Ahead
- Review of Elopement of Children With Autism
- Some media representations of autism across the lifespan
- The Transition to Adult Services: Two Parents’ Journeys
- Working in the Community: A Guide for Employers of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Mainstream & hope?
- Learn More About Specific Treatments
- A Treatment Summary of Holding Therapy
- A Treatment Summary of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Animal Therapy
- Anti-Fungal and Anti-Yeast Medication
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- ABA Techniques
- Behavior Chaining
- Computer-Assisted Instruction
- Description of Service Providers
- Direct Instruction
- Discrete Trial Instruction
- Errorless Learning/Teaching
- Functional Assessment/Analysis
- Functional Communication Training (FCT)
- Incidental Teaching
- Modeling
- Parent Training
- Peer Modeling
- Peer-Mediated Social Skills Training
- Pivotal Response Training/Treatment (PRT)/ Natural Language Paradigm (NLP)
- Precision Teaching/Fluency-Based Instruction
- Recommendations of expert panels & government task forces
- Reinforcement Systems
- Script/Script Fading Procedures
- Self-Management Interventions
- Shaping
- Small-Group Instruction
- UCLA/Lovaas Intervention
- Verbal Behavior/Applied Verbal Behavior
- Video Modeling
- ABA Techniques
- Art Therapy
- ASAT Sponsors Special Issue of Evidence-based Communication Assessment and Intervention on Facilitated Communication and its Variants: Evidence in Context
- Auditory Integration Training (AIT)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
- Behavioral Sibling Training
- Bleach Therapy
- Bonding (Attachment) Therapies
- Cannabis and Marijuana
- Chelation Therapy
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Developmental Interventions – Other Research Models
- Developmental Therapies
- Developmentally-based Individual-difference Relationship-based intervention (DIR)/Floor Time
- Dolphin Assisted Therapy
- Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention / Treatment
- Early Start Denver Model
- Essential Oils
- Facilitated Communication
- Herbs and Homeopathic Treatments
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- Iridology
- LEAP Model
- Lego®-Based Therapy
- Magnets
- Medications
- Music Therapy
- Natural Language Acquisition Protocol for Gestalt Language Development
- Neurofeedback Therapy
- Oral-Motor Training/Therapy
- Patterning
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Project TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication-handicapped Children)
- Psychoanalytic and Humanistic Play Therapy
- Rapid Prompting Method (RPM)
- Recreational Sports/Exercise
- Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
- Secretin
- Sensory Integration Theory and Ayres Sensory Integration®
- Sensory-based Interventions
- Sensory-motor Therapies
- Social Communication Emotional Regulation, and Transactional Support Model (SCERTS)
- Social Skills Groups
- Social Stories(™)
- Socialization related classes
- Son-Rise Program® (Options)
- Special Diets
- The Wilbarger Brushing Protocol
- Treatments in Alphabetical Order
- Vision Therapy
- Visual Activity Schedules
- Vitamin and Supplement Therapy
- Weighted Vests
- Lifespan
- Perspectives
- 16 Years of ABA Come to an End
- A Canadian Love Letter to American Autism Votes Supporters and (Specified) State Legislators
- A Mother’s Perspective
- Advocates and analysts seeking to bridge the gap:
A poet and a scientist-practitioner’s take on the current pushback to ABA - An Unexpected Journey into Retraction
- ASAT Board Member/Parent Kathy Mannion Testified Before National Committee on Behalf of Children
- ASD, Neurodiversity, Advocacy, and Behavior Analysis: What can we take away from the overlap among these topics?
- Autism Awareness in the Middle East: Adventures in dissemination to school-age children
- Autism Services in Jeopardy for Thousands of Military Families
- Bringing Out the Best in Aspiring Behavior Analysts
- From Grief to Giving
- Fundraising updates
- Interviews with Connor Archer from The Courageous Steps Projects and His Mother Jessica Archer
- Jack Matters, Too: A Mother’s Perspective on Her Son’s Place in the Autism Community
- Kettlebells 4 Autism Continues to Stand Up for Science
- Malcom’s Tiles
- Promoting Autism Acceptance and Awareness in School Settings
- Spelling Bee Victory
- Team ASAT: Racing to the Finish Line!
- Thank You, Kettlebells 4 Autism and One Hour Long Cycle!
- The 4th Annual Rock’n 4 Autism Awareness Concert: We rocked, we rolled, and we raised awareness for science-based autism treatment!
- The Myths I Believed About Behavior Analysis
- The Use of Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT) in the Treatment of ASD and Catatonia: An Example of a Data-driven Approach
- VIEWPOINT: Applied Behavior Analysis in Speech-Language Therapy
- What Autism Awareness and Acceptance Should Be About
- Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
- Setting up an Evidence-Based Program
- What Is Autism?
- For University Faculty
- Fundraising
- A Coin a Day Can Make a Change
- ASAT Celebrates its 25th Anniversary:
Will You Join Me in Being One of 25 Individuals to Host a Facebook Campaign? - ASAT Participates in Victoria Autism Expo
- ASAT’s 9th Annual Autism Awareness Campaign: Bid and Bid Often
- ASAT’s 9th Annual Campaign:
Your Opportunity to Support an Important Cause - Calvary Christian School 2019 Fundraising Efforts
- Fitness for a Cause (with Strong Nation Instructor, Tracey Bovell)
- Fitness for a Cause (with Strong Nation Instructor, Tracey Bovell)
- Give with Bing
- Gold Coast Children’s Center Organizes ASAT Fundraising Event with the Goose Bistro & Bar
- Help wanted: Can you host a Facebook fundraiser this giving season?
- Hosting a Facebook Campaign for ASAT: It’s Easier Than It Seems
- Keep Smiling for Science….and Ask Others to Do the Same
- Laura Shay is running for ASAT in the Boston Marathon
- Life of Hair Cut-a-Thon: Making a Difference One Cut at a Time
- Morgan Properties 2019 Fundraising Efforts
- Our 2019 Annual Autism Awareness Campaign and Auction
- Pledging Your Birthday
- Science, snacks, but not dress slacks. The three ways one organization raises money for science.
- Smile for Science
- Team ASAT : A Great Finish in the 2014 NYC Marathon
- Team ASAT Crosses the Finish Line!
- Tired of the Same Old Gift Exchange?
- Weight to Go Kettlebells 4 Autism!
- Who doesn’t like Cookies?: A Note of Thanks to Touro College’s Behavior Analysis Program
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- How ASAT Supports Faculty In and Out of the Classroom
- How You Can Help
- Is autism on the rise?
- Latest Media Posts
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- Make a Donation: Fitness For a Cause
- Meeting the needs of the whole child
- Melmark: A Commitment to Best Possible Outcomes
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- Los 12 Temas Principales con Artículos para Leer Durante COVID-19 para Apoyar la Vida Familiar y Hogareña
- Making the Most of Google Translate on ASAT’s Website
- Mi hijo acaba de ser diagnosticado, ¿y ahora qué?: Una lista anotada de artículos publicados anteriormente
- Promoviendo la Aceptación y Concientización sobre el Autismo en Entornos Escolares
- Translated Flyers
- Моему ребенку поставили диагноз Аутизм. И что теперь? – Список ранее опубликованных статей с аннотациями
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- Raising Voices: How can Behavior Analysts Support Parental Advocacy in Families of Individuals with Autism?
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- Showcasing Melmark: A Program Overview
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- Supporting Families of Newly Diagnosed Children with Autism: A Fundraiser for ASAT hosted by Stray Horse Records
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- Webinar Registration Form – December 12 – The Path to Better Outcomes
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Posts by category
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Media Watch
- ASAT Responds to Australian Broadcasting Company: "Autism Lasers"
- ASAT Responds to MSN: "UnitedHealth is strategically limiting access to critical treatment for kids with autism"
- ASAT Responds to The Skeptical Inquirer: "The Telepathy Tapes: A Dangerous Cornucopia of Pseudoscience"
- ASAT Responds to MedCity News: "Centering Cultural Sensitivity in Applied Behavior Analysis"
- ASAT Responds to UM-Flint NOW: “UM-Flint's Officer Friendly Day promotes positive interactions between autistic people and law enforcement.”
- ASAT Responds to The74: "America’s Most Popular Autism Therapy May Not Work — and May Seriously Harm Patients’ Mental Health"
- ASAT Responds to Psychology Today: "My autistic son asked to 'call mom'"
- ASAT Responds to the Mayo Clinic Press: "Autism: Diagnosis before kindergarten has therapy benefits"
- ASAT Responds to the Skeptical Inquirer: "A Life Shattered by Pseudoscience"
- ASAT Responds to People Magazine: "Family of Girl with 'Profound Autism' Worried She Wouldn't Get Proper Therapy — Now She's Graduating High School"
- ASAT Responds to Stillwater News Press: "Bill proposes adding optional autism designator on driver's license, state-issued IDs"
- ASAT Responds to's: "'Surrounded by fighters': Hawthorne school behaviorist plays role in autism book"
- ASAT Responds to Boston University Today: "Helping Autistic Adults Have Healthy Relationships"
- ASAT Responds to Zobuz: "How to Choose the Right Type of Autism Therapy for Your Child"
- ASAT Responds to VT Digger: "A closer look at hyperbaric oxygen therapy"
- ASAT Responds to Newswires: "Autism Commission on Quality (ACQ) Launches its New Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Accreditation Program"
- ASAT Responds to Spectrum News: "Yen for routine seeds anxiety in autistic children"
- ASAT Responds to Northwestern Medicine News: "Northwestern Investigators Develop New Therapy for Autism Subtype"
- ASAT Responds to The Pulse: "How a therapy once seen as a victory for autistic kids has come under fire as abuse"
- ASAT Responds to US News & World Report's: "Intervening in Infancy Might Help Prevent Some Cases of Autism: Study"
- ASAT Responds to The Nation Thailand's: "Therapy Dogs Offer Companionship To Children With Autism In China"
- ASAT Responds to NewsGP: "Australia develops ‘world’s most effective’ autism screening tool"
- ASAT Responds to The Australian: "Disability advocate likens autism treatments to gay conversion therapy"
- ASAT Responds to Scientific American: "We Need Better Diagnostic Tests for Autism in Women"
- ASAT Responds to WSAZ News, 'Journey Through Parenthood | Autism Acceptance Month: Life after High School'
- ASAT Responds to WTTW Chicago's: "Black Voices: Early Intervention Key to Best Outcomes for Children with Autism, Local Advocates Say"
- ASAT Responds to CNN Philippines: "Med Talk/Health Talk: Autism Spectrum Disorder"
- ASAT Responds to the Khaleej Times: "What's next after school? Parents call for more employment opportunities for autistic people"
- ASAT Responds to CBC News, "Investigation widens into B.C. naturopath's fecal transplants for autism, court documents show"
- ASAT Responds to Autism Parenting Magazines, "Dance Therapy for Autism: What are the Benefits?"
- ASAT Responds To Channel News Asia's, "Commentary: Does the word ‘autistic’ make you uncomfortable? It shouldn’t, says the community"
- ASAT Responds to ABC News Phillidelphia: "Downingtown residents, volunteers pull together after Ida's damage"
- ASAT Responds to BBC News, "Autistic teens face 'barbaric' treatment, parents tell MPs"
- ASAT Responds to Spectrum News "Low standards corrode quality of popular autism therapy"
- ASAT Responds to the Herald-Times Online, "Why I support ABA therapy"
- ASAT Responds to "As Remote Work Becomes the Norm, Vast New Possibilities Open for Autistic People"
- ASAT Responds to The Philadelphia Inquirer's "Children with autism spectrum disorder need more support during the pandemic"
- ASAT Responds to BBC News "Autism: 'They said bleach would cure my daughter'"
- ASAT Responds to's "How Music Therapy May Help Children with Autism"
- ASAT Responds to Changing America's "Law enforcement's efforts at greater autism awareness"
- ASAT Responds to the New York Times "How Having a Child With Autism Helps Me Ride Out the Pandemic"
- ASAT Responds to's "Peoria mom wants face mask exemption for son with autism"
- ASAT Responds to Click on Detroit's "Ford aims to boost hiring of employees with autism"
- ASAT Responds to News Medical's "New study expands treatment options for parents of autistic children"
- ASAT Responds to The New York Times "Early Treatment for Autism is Critical, New Report Says"
- ASAT Responds To Newsday's "LI boy with autism, therapy student get in tune with Zoom"
- ASAT responds to Khaleej Times "The Doris Duan-Young Autism Center: Changing lives one at a time."
- ASAT Responds to's "SFARI workshop explores challenges and opportunities of gene therapies for autism spectrum disorder”
- ASAT Responds to Associated Press "Parking lot plea by mom to CEOs leads to autism therapy for child"
- ASAT Responds to Spectrum News 1 "Face Masks Create New Challenges for People with Autism or Sensory Disorders"
- ASAT Responds to NBC Boston's "He Was So Excited: Boy With Autism Gets Musical Therapy From Mentor"
- ASAT Responds to News12 New Jersey "Flemington Man with Autism Makes Hundreds of Masks to Donate to Area Hospitals"
- ASAT responds to engadget’s "Using Lego therapy for autism: How the humble plastic brick could help children’s social development"
- ASAT Responds to Psychology Today's "3 Ways That Pseudoscientific Therapies Can Be Harmful"
- ASAT Responds to lohud's "Spectrum Designs will provide opportunities for those on the autism spectrum"
- ASAT Responds to Psychology Today's "Early Death in Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
- ASAT Responds to EurekAlert's "Study finds children with autism more likely to face maltreatment"
- ASAT responds to's "Unproven Therapies Are 'Muddying' Cell and Gene Advances"
- ASAT Responds to Autism Parent Magazine’s “Types of Autism Behavior Interventions"
- ASAT Responds to the Ottawa Citizen: "A national strategy for autism would help save families and save taxpayers’ money. So where is it?”
- ASAT Responds to The Times: "Optician Banned Over Claim He Could Treat People with Autism"
- ASAT Responds to Autism Parenting Magazine, "The Wonders and Benefits of Art for Children with Autism"
- ASAT Responds to, “Tricare seeking right mix of therapies for kids with autism”
- ASAT Responds To Hindustan Times: "World Autism Awareness Day: Social acceptance helps reduce impact of autism in kids”
- ASAT Responds to Spectrum News "Explaining ‘Resilience’ in Autism may Seed New Therapies"
- ASAT Responds to Time's of India, "Ayush Club in MGMGH to Provide One-Stop Solution for Patients"
- ASAT Responds to CBC News, "Treatment to remove metals from children with autism unproven and risky, but no clear regulations"
- ASAT Responds to The World of Chinese's, "How is Autism Treated in China?"
- ASAT Responds to The Guardian's, "'France is 50 Years Behind': The 'State Scandal' of French Autism Treatment"
- ASAT Responds to Moultrie News', "Teacher to Parent - Positive Reinforcement Doesn't Work in the Long Run"
- ASAT Responds to ABC News' (AU), "Workers with Autism Recognised for Unique Skill Set, ANZ Recruiting Nine New Employees"
- ASAT Responds to LA Times', "Will President Oprah Bring Her Quacks With Her to the White House?"
- ASAT Responds to's, "HSE Staff Member Accused of Feeding Their Child Bleach Solution 'To Cure' Autism"
- ASAT Responds to Newsweek's, "Parents Are Making Their Children Drink Bleach to 'Cure' Them of Autism"
- ASAT Responds to Slate's, "Should We Screen All 2-Year Olds for Autism?"
- ASAT Responds to MEDICC Review's, "Autism Spectrum Disorder in Cuba: Comprehensive and Coordinated Response"
- ASAT Responds to The Inquirer's, "Falling Off the Cliff"
- ASAT Responds to Science-Based Medicine's, "Preying on the Vulnerable: Electrodiagnostics, Bach Flower Remedies, and Sound Therapy for Autism, ADHD, and Learning Problems"
- ASAT Responds to The Washington Post's, "Nowhere to Go: Young People with Severe Autism Languish Weeks or Longer in Hospitals"
- ASAT Responds to The Globe and Mail's, "Ontario Family Launches Human Rights Complaint Over Access to Therapy for Son with Autism"
- ASAT Responds to's, "I Was Called a Witch and My Husband Quickly Divorced Me - Oritoke Aluko - Olukun"
- ASAT Responds to KEPR TV's, "ABA Program Launches to Help Underserved Autistic Children"
- ASAT Responds to Mother Jones', "What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?"
- ASAT Responds to The Conversation's, "Report Sparks Concern About How Schools Support Students With Disabilities"
- ASAT Responds to Australian Broadcasting Corporation's, "Mother 'Distressed' by Mental Health Services Proposal to Send Autistic Son to Detention Centre"
- ASAT Responds to New Zealand Herald's, "Opinion: Teach All Teachers Strategies for Autistic Children, Urges Autism NZ"
- ASAT Responds to Scientific American's, "Robots, Apps, and Brain Scans: New Tools to Help the Autistic Child"
- ASAT Responds to The Chicago Tribune's Commentary, "I Made My Autistic Son Cannabis Cookies. They Saved Him."
- ASAT Responds to NBC News', "Brain Scans Detect Signs of Autism in High-Risk Babies Before Age 1"
- ASAT responds to's, "Mum Julia Coorey on surviving an autism diagnosis and importance of early diagnosis"
- ASAT Responds to Good Housekeeping's, "Costco is Hosting Sensory-Friendly Shopping Hours for People with Autism"
- ASAT Responds to Autism Parenting Magazine's, "Simple Ways You Can Help Strengthen the ASD Sibling Relationship"
- ASAT Responds to The New York Times', "Betsy DeVos Won't Shed Stake in Biofeedback Company, Filings Show"
- ASAT Responds to The National UAE's, "Dubai mother campaigned for special needs centre guaranteeing a place for everyone"
- ASAT Responds to The Indian Express', "Enacting Shakespeare's play helps autistic kids in developing communication skills"
- ASAT Responds to Spectrum News', "Exercise gives children with autism jump on social skills."
- ASAT Responds to ABC News, "'Life, Animated' Parents Describe How Animated Characters Helped Son With Autism Connect"
- ASAT Responds to Gulf News', "Reality of living with autism in UAE"
- ASAT Responds to The Age's, "Autism cage details emerge as United Nations investigates abuse of children"
- ASAT Responds to HealthDay's, "Timing of autism diagnosis tied to choice of treatment"
- ASAT Responds to The Atlantic's, "Is the most common therapy for autism cruel?"
- ASAT Responds to The Atlantic's, "The battle over a controversial method for autism communication"
- ASAT Responds to The Hans India's, "Stem cell therapy breathes life into 12 year old autistic girl"
- ASAT Responds to's "Adjunctive therapies providing positive results for autism and other conditions"
- ASAT Responds to's "South African mother battles stigma over autism"
- ASAT Responds to CNN's "Helping patients with autism navigate the stressful ER"
- ASAT Responds to's "'Unbelievable': The therapy parents claim is transforming the lives of children with autism"
- ASAT Responds to’s “Embracing autism: Owners of Vancouver Canucks want families of autistic kids to receive support”
- ASAT Responds to’s “Meet Leka, the vibrating 'social robot' designed to help children with autism learn new skills”
- ASAT Responds to's "How autism affects the whole family"
- ASAT Responds to's "Special dental care for children with autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "Mother says essential oils help with daughter's autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "How dogs are helping children with autism in Scotland"
- ASAT Responds to's "How A Child With Autism Became ‘His Own Man’ After Treatment"
- ASAT Responds to's "Mom Praises Mall Santa Claus for Kindness Toward Son With Autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "Reshaping public misconceptions of parenting a child with autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "Making Severe Autism Visible"
- ASAT Responds to's "Mom says she was duped by stranger after posting ‘amazing’ video of son with autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "'Sesame Street’ Introduces Autistic Girl Into The Neighborhood"
- ASAT Responds to NBC News Dateline's "On the Brink"
- ASAT Responds to's "Parenting Expert Panel Withholds Support for Early Autism Screening"
- ASAT Responds to's "U.S. Dept of Ed: ABA Not Enough for Autism Treatment"
- ASAT Responds to's "Israeli Institutes open first-of-its-kind autism center in Middle East"
- ASAT Responds to's "Autism Cost Estimated to Reach Nearly $500 Billion"
- ASAT Responds to's "Classroom Cages"
- ASAT Responds to's "Andrew Wakefield, Father of the Anti-Vaccine Movement, Responds to the Current Measles Outbreak for the First Time"
- ASAT Responds to's "NJ's I/DD community strongly opposes the state's transition plan: now what?"
- ASAT Responds to's "Psychologists say discredited autism therapies still being practiced"
- ASAT Responds to's "Ottawa school handcuffs autistic boy during ‘difficult day' "
- ASAT Responds to's "Horses, scientists and the search for effective autism treatment"
- ASAT Responds to's "Facing down autism: The unconventional (and somewhat controversial) therapy that's led to recovery"
- ASAT Responds to's "Hope for autistic teens: How Applied Behaviour Analysis helped Ian Rogerson's son Jack overturn bleak prognosis"
- ASAT Responds to's "Hoboken educator named New Jersey's State Teacher of the Year"
- ASAT Responds to's "Using tablets to reach kids with autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "1 in 68 Children Now Has a Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder-Why?”
- ASAT Responds to Newsweek's "Autism Therapy in 6-Month Old Babies Eliminates Symptoms in Limited Study”
- ASAT Responds to's "The Autism Story from Another Point of View"
- ASAT Responds to The's "Preventable Diseases on the Rise - Paul Offit"
- ASAT Responds to Autism Speaks' "Shakespeare Therapy for Autism?"
- ASAT Responds to Bangor Daily News' "Old Town athlete honor student shares story of overcoming ‘bleak diagnosis’ of autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "FDA Warns Against Bogus Autism Treatments"
- ASAT Responds to UPI's "Companies may face legal action for false claims about products to cure autism"
- ASAT Responds to Washington Times' "Autistic NYC boy’s death prompts tracking plan"
- ASAT Responds to Huffington Post's "Autism & Anxiety: Common Companions"
- ASAT Responds to's "City Says No To Boy’s Therapy Chickens"
- ASAT Responds to's "Parents set up hidden camera to monitor autistic son's therapy sessions – what they saw happening in real-time is gut-wrenching"
- ASAT Responds to Huffington Post's "Complementary And Alternative Medicine Use Common In Children With Autism, Study Says"
- ASAT Responds to's "Is it right to try to 'normalise' autism?"
- ASAT Responds to's "Journal of Communication Disorders Releases First Autism Study of the Son-Rise Program®"
- ASAT Responds to's "The Day My Son Went Missing"
- ASAT Responds to's "Court Rulings Don’t Confirm Autism-Vaccine Link"
- ASAT Responds to's "Making sense of sensation in autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "Limitations Apparent in Applied Behavior Analysis Research"
- ASAT Responds to High Plains Journal's "Family uses agriculture as autism therapy tool"
- ASAT Responds to's "Jenny McCarthy and Fear-Based Parenting"
- ASAT Responds to's "Groundbreaking adult autism survey reveals mountain of unmet needs"
- ASAT Responds to Springfield's "Parents can get help with autism issues"
- ASAT Responds to's "Pa. Autism Services Hope to make inroads in workplace"
- ASAT Responds to's "CDC: Higher number of children with autism"
- ASAT Responds to’s "Parents Of Autistic Children Worry What Life Will Bring When They're Adults"
- ASAT Responds to Texas Observer’s "Autism Inc.: The Discredited Science, Shady Treatments and Rising Profits Behind Alternative Autism Treatments"
- ASAT Responds to's "Study Looks at Worm Therapy to Treat Autism"
- ASAT Responds to The New York Times "Some With Autism Diagnosis Can Overcome Symptoms, Study Finds"
- ASAT Responds to WPMI Local 15 News "Local Family Using Breakthrough Autism Treatment"
- ASAT Responds to's "Chelation Doesn’t Help Kids with Autism"
- ASAT Responds to NY Times "Don’t Blame Autism for Newtown"
- ASAT Responds to's "Autistic Child Finds Comfort from Non-Traditional Therapy"
- ASAT Responds to's "Popular autism treatment might not be effective, study finds"
- ASAT Responds to Huffington Post's "The Curious Case of Autism and MMS"
- ASAT Responds to ABC's "Aquatic therapy center helps those with autism, open to all"
- ASAT Responds to The Daytona Beach News-Journal's “Surf event serves as therapy for kids with autism”
- ASAT Responds to Charlotte Observer's “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is healing many ills”
- ASAT Responds to's "Pets May Help Kids With Autism Develop Social Skills”
- ASAT Responds to US News story "Many Parents of Kids with Autism Don’t Put Faith in Pediatricians"
- ASAT Responds to's "The Economic Impact of Autism on Families"
- ASAT Responds to MSNBC's "1 in 3 autistic young adults lack jobs, education"
- ASAT Responds to US News story “Doubt Cast on Usefulness of ‘Sensory’ Therapies for Autism”
- ASAT Responds to USA Today's "Video games boost autistic kids"
- ASAT Responds to's "Massachusetts Emergency Workers Learn to Recognize Autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "Could sensory integration disorder be the primary problem?"
- ASAT Responds to's "The Battle Over The 'Cure' for Autism"
- ASAT Responds to BBC News "France's autism treatment 'shame' "
- ASAT Responds to Palm Beach Post's "Autism rate rises; disorder now affects 1 in 88 children"
- ASAT Responds to's 'Doctor fired over autism treatment'
- ASAT Responds to Huffington Post's "The Autism Vaccine Controversy and the Need for Responsible Science Journalism"
- ASAT Responds to Des Moines Register's "Autistic man struggles in Iowa's mental health system"
- ASAT Responds to Irish Times "French film ban raises autism issue"
- ASAT Responds to's "Cost of autistic children cripples parents up to $50,000 a year"
- ASAT Responds to Cape Cod Institute Summer 2012 Program
- ASAT Responds to LA Times Story 'Families Cling to Hope of Autism Recovery'
- ASAT Responds to StarTribune's "Autism Foundation's IRS Filings Raise Eyebrows"
- ASAT Responds to NY Times Story "A French Film Takes Issue With the Psychoanalytic Approach to Autism"
- ASAT Responds to AP's "School Accused of Putting Autistic Student in Bag"
- ASAT Responds to ABC's "From Miracle to Nightmare"
- ASAT Responds to The Detroit News story, "Study: Michigan autism teachers need more training: experience, effective practices lacking, says a report from MSU"
- ASAT Responds to Calgary Herald's 'Autistic Boy Receives Love and Help from Trained Dog'
- ASAT Responds to Huffington Post's 'Autism Screening Called into Question'
- ASAT Responds to Ezinearticle, "Is Autism Treatment Possible?"
- ASAT Responds to Portland Press-Herald's "Graduating to an Uncertain Fate"
- ASAT Responds to US News & World Report's "Complexities of Autism Extend to Its Treatment"
- ASAT Responds to StarTribune's "Autism's $100,000 Question"
- ASAT Responds to Mansfield Journal's "Shelby Coach Steps Down to Help Son Battle Autism"
- ASAT Responds to NIU's "Science or Bunk: How to Tell the Difference"
- ASAT Responds to Chicago Tribune's "When the Evidence Is Conclusive"
- ASAT Responds to's "Correcting Our Record"
- ASAT Responds to Globe and Mail's "Medical Fraud Revealed in Discredited Vaccine-Autism Study"
- ASAT Responds to Star-Ledger Article 'Apple iPad, iPod Touch Might Help People with Autism Take Steps toward Independence'
- ASAT Responds to Contra Costa Times Story 'Swinging the Outcome'
- ASAT Responds to Fort Worth Star-Telegram's 'Applied Behavior Analysis Is Autism Treatment of Choice"
- ASAT Responds to Scientific American's "Desperate for an Autism Cure"
- ASAT Responds to Stamford Advocate's "Phony Autism Specialist Sentenced to Three Years in Prison" Story
- ASAT Responds to Chicago Tribune's "FDA Cracks Down on Autism Treatment"
- ASAT Responds to Canadian CBC's "N.B. Can Be a Leader in Autism Services"
- ASAT Responds to Atlanta Journal-Constitution's 'Tech Hopes to Develop Early Warning Tools and Treatments for Autism'
- ASAT's Open Letter to Son-Rise Program®'s Raun Kaufman
- ASAT and Autism Science Foundation: An Open Letter to Autism Speaks
- ASAT Tribute to Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas
- ASAT Responds to Denver Post "Alternative Therapies for Brain Disorders Seeing Success"
- ASAT Responds to Sun Sentinel's "Castration Drug Given to Kids as Autism Therapy" story
- ASAT Responds to Chicago Tribune story "FDA Warns Maker of Product Used as Alternative Autism Treatment"
- ASAT Responds to Irish Times article "Best Practice Autism Treatment 'Will Vanish' Under Proposals"
- ASAT Responds to NYT story "Vaccinations: A Hot Debate Still Burning"
- ASAT Responds to ABC News "A Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet No Remedy for Autism"
- ASAT Responds to Psychology Today article "FC Is BS"
- ASAT Responds to Seattle Times article "Evidence lacking for special diets in autism"
- ASAT Responds to Tallahassee Democrat story "Autistic child responding well to learning option"
- ASAT Responds to Lexington Herald-Leader story "E. Ky. school uses intensive therapy to educate kids with autism"
- ASAT Responds to Washington Post story "Lancet Retracts Paper Linking Vaccine to Autism"
- ASAT Responds to's "Dark Shadows Loom Over 'Facilitated' Talk"
- ASAT Responds to Chicago Tribune story "Autism Treatment: Science Hijacked to Support Alternative Therapies"
- ASAT Responds to CNN Story "Study: Early Autism Intervention in Toddlers is Effective"
- ASAT Responds to "Discover Autism" 'A Wide Range of Therapy Programs' Internet Article
- ASAT Responds to NY Times story "Regimens: Restrictive Diets May Not Be Appropriate for Children With Autism"
- ASAT responds to CBS Ch. 2's Health Watch on Rethink Autism
- ASAT Responds to Discover Magazine article
- ASAT Responds to CNN story 'Family Transformed After Autism Intervention'
- ASAT Responds to NY Times story "Trying Anything and Everything for Autism"
- Parents Press States for Autism Insurance Laws
- ASAT Responds to NY Times story "Reaching an Autistic Teenager"
- ASAT Responds to PETA Billboard
- NIMH Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) 2008 RFI
- Leesburg Today
- Oregon Health Commission
- ABC Drama Takes on Science and Parents
- Sharon A. Reeve responds to Time's article "A Tale of Two Schools"
- Letter from Catherine Maurice, PhD. Author
- Bridget Taylor responds to Time's article "A Tale of Two Schools"
- David Celiberti of ASAT Responds to Time's article "A Tale of Two Schools"